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"Futurepolis" of Surkov-Chubays on Rublevka Will Replace Silicon Valley to Russia

"Futurepolis" of Surkov-Chubays on Rublevka Will Replace Silicon Valley to Russia

Already this year in Russia and most likely in Moscow region analogue of the American Silicon Valley will start to be created. Its curator Vladislav Surkov told about the project in details in interview to "Vedomosty". In particular, he declared that idea of creation of innovative valley belongs to Dmitry Medvedev. In the decree of the president the new object is marked as territorially isolated complex for development of researches and workings out and commoditizing their results. The basic contractor of the project - "Rosnano", its general director Anatoly Chubays entered the group.


On February, 11th at a session of the commission on modernization and technological development of economy in Tomsk the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev told that he signed the decree about creation of Research and Development Center in Russia.

"New innovative centre is, of course, not "Silicone Valley" but also some kind of prototype of city of the future which should become the largest proving ground of new economic policy", - the president declared having suggested to think over where such centre can be created, how financing of its creation would be carried out, what tax modes would be applied in it.

Medvedev also urged to optimize system of state expertise of innovative projects. "Projects and measures offered for their state support should pass expertise", - the head of the state told at the session having urged to think together over its format. - It is necessary that it was operative and de-bureaucratized".

Medvedev also demanded to finish and present co-ordinated projects for commission discussion in the shortest time. "Updatings should be brought into the budget or certain sums should be reserved under these decisions", - he explained.

"I would like to underline that state support measures can be different but they should be individual for each project, they should be dot, it should not be simple thining of privileges all over perimeter", - he demanded.

From editorial board: Well, at last the project of futurepolis offered by Maxim Kalashnikov has got quite concrete, I would say, truly Russian outlines. It's as Alexander I after visit to New-Lenarka created by Owen charged Arakcheev to organize something similar in Russia - and it turned out into... military settlements.


Moscow region, of course, an ideal place for futurepolis - Rublevka, where future has become present long time ago is situated after all only in Moscow region.


By the way, Sulejman Kerimov - the fourth in a fresh rating of the Russian billionaires - announced creation of scale developer project just in this area of Moscow region long time ago. In 2005 S.Kerimov's company "Nafta-Moskva" declared about the start of the scale developer project "Rublevo-Arkhangelskoe" presented to the wide public as future "city of millionaires". Millionaires and members of their families also should have something to be engaged in. Well, let's push high technologies forward, millionaires and billionaires somehow will provide state financing of Silicon Valley. They have immense quantity of silicon in different places...


Maxim Kalashnikov understood already long time ago whose strong hands would get the project of innovative development of the country: "What is the nutrient medium for innovative sector? Strong, working national industry. If it's not present - there are no innovations, demand for them, inflow of qualified personnel into innovative proces. In 90a Chubays was among those who smashed the Russian industry. He was furiously creating pyramid of state treasury bills which drew over money from real sector by its super-profitability. Thanks to Chubays and other gang of "reformers" credits for real sector became very heavy. His privatisation split efficient complexes of enterprises into parts. Now he cares of innovative development of the Russian Federation?"


But who is concerned now that someone hasn't understood something once? Our authorities learnt long time ago not to pay attention to public opinion. They pay attention to it only when it' favourable to them. The same with futurepolis of Maxim Kalashnikov - the president noticed and even blest... So that after not too long period of rough discussions it was found out that the idea in general belongs personally to Medvedev, while it will be realized by Chubays and Surkov.

I do not have any doubts that Silicon Valley on Rublevka is simply doomed to success - commercial one. We will agree, all difficult coordination in Moscow region are being overcome instantly, if it is a question of the presidential project, whether it's not so? To live among academicians is much more prestigious and more pleasant, than among gangsters who only yesterday changed sports suits and crimson jackets for human clothes. So the project of futurepolis has big future - I am simply afraid even to mention the price for square metre. Only there will be no innovations there - they are not necessary there. There will be boutiques "Sklodovskaya-Curie-style", fitness centres "White Giant" and restaurants "At Einstein's Daddy". Silicon would be present only in chichis of inhabitants of "futurepolis" who are thirtysomething.

Good idea, rich... There will be scientists, for sure. In a role of "bomzhs" from Rublevka as Siphon and Boroda. Or "professor" Petrik who clears any water to a condition of the spring one using known only to him and Gryzlov method. There will be financing of such "scientist", without questions.

Well, actually, what do you want? What country - such Silicon Valley...


Аnatoly Baranov

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