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Почему можно уничтожать Белгород?

Опубликовано 05.08.2024 в разделе комментариев 10

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Почему можно уничтожать Белгород?

Западные партнеры разрешили украинским войскам наносить удары американскими ракетами по Белгороду, но не дальше, заявил представитель группировки ВСУ "Харьков" Виталий Саранцев, слова которого приводит испанская газета Pais.

"Мы можем достигать Белгорода, не дальше", — сказал он.

А почему Белгород можно? Это не к украинцам вопрос, а к Америке.


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Почему можно уничтожать Белгород?
.Светослав написал 07.08.2024 20:51
Как внизапна оказалось, в игры с уничтожением вражеских городов можно играть вдвоем. Как там "сво" - идет по плану и в строгом соответствии с графиком? ))
MMOexp: Elden Ring's Devs Really Don't Want You to Delay This Heartbreaking Quest
Myramillan написал 07.08.2024 10:15
Unlike other role-playing games, Elden Ring's absence of a quest log forces players to pay close attention to conversations and the world around them, to follow specific NPC stories. However, the beginning of one questline was well-hidden that FromSoftware set out to ensure that people would naturally gravitate towards the questline.
Boc The Seamster is difficult to miss. The Seamster first appears in Limgrave which is the first region where everyone's Elden Ring adventure begins, but I haven't encountered him once in my continuous, 100-hour playing through. Boc hides as a plant when it's your first encounter with him. However, he, at the game's launch it was only announced to the players passing by Tarnished when they got close to his grill. He's so well hidden, in fact, that I've seen players go close enough to initiate Boc's vague dialogue, scour the area to find the source, and then quit without seeing his camouflage.
In the bite-sized Illusory Wall video above, the huge update of last month increased the frequency at the point that Boc begins to call out for Elden Ring players. This means that people who are glued to landmarks are able to detect Boc from the nearby cobblestone street without the need to travel into the lush grasslands surrounding it.
FromSoftware even added a rare, purple-tinted item drop to encourage Tarnished to further explore the area Boc is hiding, however it's still up to players to figure out the best way to strike or transform into Boc's bush to unveil him.
You're likely to be wondering if Boc's storyline is worth the effort. The answer to that question is contingent on what you'd like to get from Elden Ring. As far as benefits, I'd say no since everything Boc can perform for you (i.e. altering clothing) is something you can do yourself by going to The Sites of Grace checkpoints after finding the requisite key items. But if you're looking for a traditionally devastating Souls narrative, well take a look at this bizarre little guy.
Boc is introduced as an oddity. The demi-human is a type of ape-like, typically violent creatures that have likely been killed in the hundreds prior to finding him. However, he's one that thinks and communicate like a human. When you meet Boc He's removed from the demi-human's den on Limgrave's shoreline. He's willing to return to the den to give you a reward to help reclaim his dignity from the shackles of. It's not going well for him, however when you go in to take on the boss you'll discover his own sewing kit. Bring it back to Boc and he becomes your personal seamstress, tailoring your wardrobe at no cost.
What follows is a heartbreaking story about Boc's struggles with his appearance and the different ways you can help him come to terms with his lot in life, either for the better or worse. I'll let the reader experience these choices for yourself, remember that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
It's been stated before, but I'll say it again: Elden Ring is massive. Most folks aren't going to uncover all the secrets of the game in only one game. If you've gotten to triple digits in your playtime I'd suggest that you revisit the game to see what else you can find, particularly as the developers continue to add content to the game and make modifications to existing content.
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Хорошо бы чтобы свои еше не бомбили фабами
Лапиньш написал 06.08.2024 12:45
Приграничные зоны являются насышеными военными базами с которых идет обстрел Украины. Естественно враги уничтожают эти военные базы и на это дано и разрешение Запада. А имея отвратный защиту граждан этим гражданам и достается вся разруха их жилищ и жизней. Ну что тут удивительного. А вот чио помощи нет, а только показуха это совсем о другом
DarerBuimi написал 06.08.2024 10:22
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Unlock the Doors to Online Shopping: Invest in a Cloned Bank Card
Buying cloned bank cards or hacked credit cards may be tempting for some, but the risks associated with such activities vastly outweigh any potential rewards. Unfortunately, hackers continue to sell stolen Visa and Mastercard cards on the dark internet. These stolen cards often come with both Card Verification Value (CV) numbers, as well as dumps of account related data. It is highly advisable to not partake in such activities, as they are illegal and could lead to criminal charges. Furthermore, banks and financial institutions have sophisticated systems in place to quickly detect suspicious activity and debug any efforts to access the accounts of other customers. Therefore, buying a cloned bank card or hacked credit card is inadvisable.
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Tapping Into the Darknet: How To Buy a Cloned Bank Card
If you are looking to purchase a cloned bank card, you have come to the right place. Hackers are selling stolen Visa and Mastercard cards on the dark internet. Often associated with fraud, these cards can be purchased relatively easily. They come in the form of a в dumpsв which includes the card holderвs information, the cardвs account number, expiry date, and CVV (card verification value). The information can be used to make online payments without the need of physical plastic cards. This is done by вcloningв the data from the stolen cards onto blank cards and then using them to shop online or in stores. The cloned cards are also known as вhacked credit cardsв and can be bought from some shady sources on the dark web. However, buyers must be aware that the cards could be stolen, and that matters pertaining to the legality of their purchase should be researched thoroughly.
Make Easy Purchases with Cloned Bank Cards
Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 - Price $ 110.00
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DarerBuimi написал 05.08.2024 23:42
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Navigating the Dark Internet to Get Hacked Credit Cards
The best place to buy a cloned bank card is on the dark internet. Hackers can use stolen Visa and Mastercard cards to purchase goods, services or withdraw from ATM machines. They are also known as hacked credit cards and are used for fraud and illegal activities. Hackers will often sell stolen cards for a profit on websites and marketplaces on the dark web. You can buy cloned bank cards from hackers, including Visa and Mastercard. You may also be able to find CVV and dumps from the hacker community on the darknet, however it is important to note that hackers do not always guarantee the quality and quantity of the stolen cards. It is recommended to research trustworthy vendors before buying a cloned bank card online in order to ensure that the transaction is secure.
The Lowdown on Dark Internet and CCV Shopping
Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 - Price $ 110.00
Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 - Price $ 180.00
Item PayPal Transfers $500 - Price $ 49.00
Item PayPal Transfers $2000 - Price $ 149.00
Item Western Union Transfers $1000 - Price $ 99.00
Item Western Union Transfers $300 - Price $ 249.00
*Prices on the website may vary slightly
<a href=http://buyprepaid-cards.cvv2cvc.net>Hacked paypal acc Cloned cards</a>
А если не ракетами, то можно?
Кущ хихикает написал 05.08.2024 18:51
Пан Баранов, готовься писать длинную гневную статью на тему 'Как они посмели' и 'Куда смотрит наше военное руководство' )))))
Re: Почему можно уничтожать Белгород?
098765 написал 05.08.2024 15:56
А почему можно украинские города бомбить? Кто разрешил?
Arte написал 05.08.2024 15:13
Никому Белгород наxep не вcpaлся тратить на него дорогие ракеты и беспилотники. А вот выкурить из него чекистских кацапов, фсиновцев, мусоров и прочую вооруженную cвoлoчь - совсем другое дело
коллега, ты знаешь, как США принудили япошек к миру?
они уничтожили Хиросима и написал 05.08.2024 14:22
Нагасаки, а затем сказали сдавайся, или уничтожим Токио.
легко на сердце от заметки без привычных инсинуаций!
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