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20 dec 2024
Left Ideain XXI Centurе
D. Zikin
Past XX centure can be named a centure of the great hopes and great disappointemnts. The Russian October Revolution of 1917 led to an appearence of a system alternative to global capitalism. Principally new social system was created which aim of existance was announced realisation of the ancient dream of the mankind for building of kingdom of justice on the Earth.
Independent Russia Journalism to 100% Has Gone to the Internet
Anatoly Baranov
"Novaya Gazeta" was the last independent liberal newspaper in the country on the background of the congress devoted to a nonexistent freedom of speech in
and it was sold. There dont remain in
any more private independent newspapers of any importance, except the newspaper "Zavtra". There are also belonging to the Communist Party of the
Russian Federation
"Pravda" and "Sovetskaya Rossia" - a party press, but anyway, it does not belong neither to the state, nor to oligarchical groups. But thats really all.
To the V-Day Juschenko Decided to Equal War Veterans to Gangsters
Anna Kolchak
President Victor Juschenko made a nice gift to war veterans to the V-Day having declared that the new staff of the Supreme Rada would pass the law according to which gangsters from the Ukrainian Rebel Army will be recognized as war veterans. "The Supreme Rada should honour everyone who protected the Native land and vote for the law which recognizes soldiers of the URA as veterans of war", - Juschenko told not having specified that some of them "protected the native land" from the Soviet army. I.e. shot at the backs of other veterans.
Chernobyl Accident: Evolution of Sights
B. Gorbachev, J. Solomatin
20 years have already passed since the time when two narrow tongues of flames one behind another each of the height from 100 to 500 m and the sharp sound similar to a shot from a gun have informed silent stars that in 4-th block ChAES the largest in the world nuclear accident took place. Disputes on its circumstances and causes proceed till now. Nevertheless every year with the appearance in the open press of a new trustworthy information researchers step by step come nearer to disclosing of its last secrets and true causes paying no attention to the attempts of the interested persons to disinform the Ukrainian and international public opinion.
In Petersburgthe Soldier Froze to Death the Day Before Giving Testimony Against the Officer
On the 12
of April an inhabitant of Krasnoselsky district of St.-Petersburg walking with a dog found a corpse of 20-years old soldier - Jury Dolgashev who did military service in military unit number 08774 situated in Krasnoe Selo, the body laid in
300 meters
from the highway
- Vilosi and in
800 meters
from the military unit. According to the official version the guy froze on the 18
of January - the temperature fell up to minus 32 degrees those days. Relatives do not trust in contingency of his death he died one day prior to the arrival to the unit of the Deputy Judge Advocate of the Leningradsky military district for the investigation of the case against of one of the officers.
Victory of the Kremlin dreamer was triumphal
Natalya Morosova
Who was defeated? Who lost? Just imagine: it was a victory also above the dreamers. But above the white dreamers". However, the red dream won, it was a victory of Bolsheviks. But why? Let's think it over.
Dreams differ. If the dream is turned into the future, it is progressive for it induces a society to the development. If the dream is turned into the past, it is reactionary. Here the basic difference of red dream from the white dream. That is also the main reason of Bolsheviks victory above the White Guards. Bolsheviks called people not to the past but to the future!
В начало
The Diplomat magazine exposed Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui as anti-communist swindlers
Why Russia was ahead of everyone in the fight against coronavirus
Foreign Minister`s comment on Poland and Hungary`s territorial claims
Humanitarian battalion «Ireland and England» held picket supporting Novorossia
Well, Capital Metro Started Crashing?
Poroshenko Will Re-Create Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Instead of the USSR
We Will Give Accommodation and Provide Work
It Turns out There’s Two Browsers Yandex with Two Different Positions
The USA Greets Poroshenko’s Plan to Kill All
"Poroshenko’s Peace Plan”: Disarm and Hand over
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