12 jan 2025 |
íichael Delyagin: "After Prohibition to Claim the Russians Will Envy Victims of "Great Terror"
Anna Ivanova
- íichael Gennadievich, Putin epoch is being compared now to the late USSR. To what extend it's rightful? - Many heavy rudiments of the Soviet epoch which seemed fell into oblivion long ago strongly returned to the modern Russian life - firstly due to the romantic hopes of the end of the 80s and then due to blood and despair of the 90s. The phrase "You can complain!" pronounced by different types of heads assured in own impunity in answer to indignation with their despotism was one of the refined humiliating standards. However, it was really possible to complain: there were for that purpose forgotten now structures as the Committee of Party Control, Department Against Misappropriation of Socialist Property, the Communist Party committees, trade-union committees, regional committees, female councils, newspapers, not to mention judicial system... The list can be continued: it was the whole package of channels of "feedback", sometimes working effectively enough (for example, before congresses of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, knowing people recollect, it was possible even to obtain an apartment by request). There was the whole social group of "claimers" in the Soviet epoch - people professionally writing complaints; it was even sung by Evtushenko ("And uncle Vasya writes applications, applications, applications, applications..."). It found reflection also in comic reprises - "Words are not birds - out you let them - will be get detained!" - Than it means that complaining wasn't hopeless business? - Times changed and it is necessary to give due - many such rudiments "power vertical" though behind time but rather consistently eliminates. Really: what complaints can be heard from the slaves? Or from a biomass which is subject to processing into personal riches of "owners of life" - from palaces in "Rublevsko-Kurshevelsky federal district" to ocean yachts with submarines and ABM system? - What are the facts? - Particularly since May, 3rd, 2011 the second paragraph of item 21 of the instruction confirmed by the decree №72 issued by the chairman of Investigatory committee of Russia Bastrykin establishes: "Applications received by investigatory body of the Investigatory Committee... in which applicants express disagreement with the judgments delivered by judges, public prosecutors... and employees of investigating bodies... expressing assumptions of committing of... malfeasance... aren't subjected to registration... and check". Con sordino of the highest chatter of users of Twitter and I-Phones of all colors about "modernizations", "innovations" and "lawful state" this instruction has been already applied at full speed for definitive deprivation of citizens of Russia of access to justice. - If there are already concrete examples? - Yes, one should go not far to seek. In particular, representatives of law-enforcement structures use, as one can judge, other criminal mechanisms of enrichment in become famous thanks to gambling scandals around "prosecutor's mafia" Moscow region. So, during several years six tens (!!!) inhabitants of Pushkino situated near Moscow try to return personal property (basically real estate) taken away from them by decision of city court for transfer to hands of those whom for some reasons took interest in them. After existence of not simply prosecutor's but even prosecutor's-judicial criminal group was almost proved, the lawyer S.Seleznev, trying to protect inhabitants of the Moscow region who got to a meat grinder of the Russian "law and order", received refused in registration and check of applications of citizens of Russia deprived of their property on the basis of item 21 of the instruction of Investigatory Committee № 72. Really: applicants using arguments, seeming incontestable facts and exhaustive details specified frank illegal decisions of courts and the same way frankly illegal actions of public prosecutors. According to signed by Bastrykin instruction, this sort of applications now shouldn't be even registered! The law is not to guide servants, they by definition should be above it. - Eloquently... What could be done now? - Obviously, the Russian state openly and officially deprives citizens of Russia of even theoretical possibility of protection against illegal and unjust decisions (not speaking about actions) of courts, public prosecutors and inspectors. Modern courts without it bring justificatory sentences in tens times less often, than even Stalin ones - it has long ago become fact of public consciousness which seemingly has reconciled with it (as well as with other-wordly number of the Russian prisoners, with habits of "law enforcement officials" and with other, on expression of Gorky, "lead dirt of the Russian life"). As a matter of fact even in times of "great terror" no new, "legal" norms forbidding consideration of complaints were introduced by Investigatory Committee. Executioners of that time who tortured and exterminated mass of people burned down on fire made by them almost completely - possibly modern continuers of their business took experience of the predecessors into consideration. I am afraid that even employees of the Central Election Commission today is not interested what presidential name descendants - if we will have them - would use to identify forthcoming "great" and, the main thing, almost surely unpunished terror...
In other::
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