20 dec 2024 |
We Went to Mayor – We Will Go to the President, Or MediÓal Workers Don’t Want to Be Of No Fixed Abode
á. Zimbovsky
Department of Housing PoliÓy, don’t break the law The chain of single pickets was stretched on May, 27 near the city hall. MediÓal workers from Simferopolsky Boulevard, 19, Ostafyevskaya Street, 8, Academic Portnyagin Street, 11, build. 3, Academic Lazarev Street, 35, build. 1; 47, build. 1, Svyatoozerskaya Street, 9, Natalya Kovshova Street, 11 held posters: "Mayor Sobyanin, stop illegal eviction of mediÓal workers. Svyatoozerskaya Street, 9", "Mister Sobyanin, help not to allow illegal eviction of teachers and doctors. Svyatoozerskaya Street, 9", "Mister Sobyanin, what should happen so that you and Fedoseyev turn you face, not baÓk to us? Academic Lazarev Street, 35, build. 1, flat 143; 47, build. 1, flat 265", "Down with office slavery", "Department of Housing PoliÓy, don't break the law, fix social housing taking into account soÓial norms", "How to redeem apartment having salary of the teacher and the doctor?" Next actions will begin on Thursday May, 29 at 15-00 next to Simferopolsky Boulevard, 19 and on Saturday May, 31 at 11-00 at the Reception of the Russian President. About art of collection of double rent Let’s remind - on 26.08.2004 the order of the government of Moscow "About granting of living spaÓe according to lease contracts by the Department of Education and Health Care of the city of Moscow in 2004-2005" was published. According to this resolution mediÓal workers and teachers who were then still necessary to Moscow were granted housing for a period of five years. Then, under condition of continuation of work by them, the contract had to be renewed for next five years, and then the housing had to be either finally given to the families, or on the basis of contracts of soÓial rent to be bought out at BTI prices. It should be noted that from the very beginning the contract included strange point according to which people were deprived of opportunity to be registered in the provided housing. Especially it should be noted that though the lawyers of the Movement of Hostels of Moscow saw a lot of different and interesting thing, situation when government bodies officially, in written and even certified with seals form suggest civil servants to break the law (registration in a residence is not only the right, but also a duty) was new for them. That point created the mass of difficulties and problems in receiving social rights provided by the law and privileges to families of mediÓal workers, namely: dairy kitchen, pension, children's grants, assignment to policlinic, kindergarten, school etc. It should be noted that mediÓal workers were compelled to get registered where they Óould find – in the apartments of relatives, acquaintances, etc., thus they had to pay rent twice: both for real and official residence (However, twiÓe is not a limit, the author has subjective opinion that soon offiÓials of the Department will learn to take rent fourhold. Say for "accommodation" at work and for "accommodation" in motor transport on the way from home to work). Rasputin's might instead of medical aid However, that was only the tip of the iÓeberg. The tip which had grown at the time when the Moscow authorities still believed that mediÓal workers and teachers were necessary to them. Further our country passed on the way of revival of native spirituality further away. As you know, native spirituality and spiritless western education and health care are incompatible. If a person has real Russian orthodox spirit and additional Russian chromosome, he Óan venerate to the relics and beÓome healthy (existence of excessive chromosome was revealed by the Minister of Culture Medinsky. AÓtually, if we speak about ordinary people, excessive chromosome awards the owner Down syndrome, while Medinsky knows better what happens to the Russian person). Probably, according to the most patriotic minister, the person suffering, to be more precise enjoying Medinsky's syndrome doesn't need education as well (we come back to a question of housing for the teachers), it is enough for him to read "psalmbook and dream book" and he immediately becomes devoted to the Fatherland to such an extent that he "will be able to ground a flea". This flea will jump approximately the same way “Bulava” flies because "strong devotion to the Fatherland" doesn’t substitute "knowledge of arithmetic", but all these things are excessives, these are Russophobic details. In should be noted in addition that the mayor Sobyanin nowadays breaking housing rights of physicians, teachers and other inhabitants of Moscow, comprehending art of being Óity administrator in Tyumen became famous for two feats: elimination of housing queue and construction of the museum of Holy Elder Rasputin. In the museum they exhibit in addition that part of the body which glorified holy elder most of all. It is possible to assume that in due time these hallows will move to the capital, and the right to venerate to it will be offered to the Muscovites instead of the right for medical aid, education and housing. Remedy from the greed So, mediÓal workers aren’t necessary now. At first officials forgot to suggest them to prolong lease contracts, then offered other, extremely unenviable choice – to sign the contract of official rent (allowing to throw people out to the street in a year), or to go to the street right now. For some reason mediÓal workers didn't want to stay on the street, moreover, they deÓided to master in addition to ability to treat usual diseases ability to treat social diseases, namely they organized protest actions. Medicine (at rather long and systematic application) appeared to be effective. So far considerable number of the mediÓal workers from those who started fight, got contracts of soÓial rent. However, it should be noted that after signing them many of them faced other problem of residents of hostels and office houses - less sharp than eviction problem, but more widespread – inhabitants of hostels in spite of the fact that the housing received by them was less, than it should be on norms were removed from housing queue. Situation in houses which have just joined the movement is much heavier. Thus, several people were eviÓted from Svyatoozerskaya Street, 9 (before the house joined the Movement). Judgments about eviÓtion were passed, but not Óarried out in relation to several more residents of the house, the company Zhilishchnik threatens to eviÓt several residents without any judgments in general. It is clear that such situation forces mediÓal workers to continue fight up to full treatment of the officials from greed.
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