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12 jan 2025 |
If the Law on Police Has Been Written To Dictation of Narcomafia?
Аlexander Golovanko
At Easter I with my friends by tradition went to a cemetery. What did amaze? Abundance of tombs of young men. Of 1980-90s years of birth. Their mothers pray for repose of their soles in a church. Why do young men of 20-25 years old die? Nobody makes a secret of it: drugs, heroin. Life of the young man "got hooked on the needle" is short - 5-6 years. Then he dies of cardiac standstill with informal diagnosis "overdose". Then the friend began bothering me. He told that one article about this national trouble is not enough. For it's hand-made. It is necessary to hollow out "tandem" day by day for it placed Russia on the 1st place on taking of the Afghani heroin for last 10 days. Annually it carries away lives of up to 100 000 children in full colour. It's not me who thought it up. It is officially declared on April, 18th on the state First channel. Whole two regional centers equal to Kemerovo or Bryansk died out. (see "As Medvedev Made PR on Narcoill Children"). It began not yesterday. I got recollected my interviews with the chairman of the Ekaterinburg Fund "City without Drugs", the deputy of the State Duma E.Rojzman. - Since May, 12th, 2005 Fradkov's government, - he was indignant, - brought into action the decree on introduction of "single average doses of drugs" which released narcosellers who carry 9 doses from a criminal liability. It's possible to bring to trial only starting from 10 and more doses. Thereby it starts narcotization of schools, high schools, discos, night clubs and other vacation spots of youth ... It is possible to tell a lot how Federal Service for Narcotics Control, deputies of the State Duma and parental public struggled against victory of a narcotic lobby. But the thing was already done. Whatever one may do but it turned out that the power in the name of the president and the prime minister legalized sale of drugs. I am curious who dragged that killing decision through "The White House"? How many drug barons paid for it? While you can recollect how many noise was done by Medvedev's recent populist offer on obligatory testing of schoolboys for revealing those who got hooked on "needle"! Why I affirm - populist? Because he, as a matter of fact, took people's ears off the national trouble, he narrowed down a bleeding problem to everyday trifles. After all nobody detained him from passing corresponding decree before the State Council session in Irkutsk. Nobody detains him from making it today. What's the reason for phrase-mongering? Well, what could be done after finding out of drug addiction of a schoolboy? Why our humane president doesn't ask a question: whence, actually, 14-15 years boys get heroin and cocaine? Who sells it? Who "covers" their delivery through Tajikistan and Kirghizia to Moscow and Moscow regions? If these are really special services as mass-media constantly writes? After all it's a shame when officers of FDCS died from "overdose" are found dead directly in their office ... There was "governmental hour" at the State Duma in the end of last spring session on problems of struggle against narcomania. Director of FDCS V.Ivanov opened the eyes of legislators to the fact that they bear part of the fault for drugs distribution in the country. His statement that "it looks as if customs-boundary paradise has been created specially for drug dealers" became real sensation. That by today "we ourselves, as a matter of fact, have created the most favorable conditions for narcotraffic" - Operating system of admission to the territory of the Russian Federation not under international passports but under so-called internal documents allows foreigners - drug dealers to shuttle freely, - the lecturer insisted. - That is to cross our state border up to 100 times a year and more without receiving marks in the documents, namely: place, time, type of transport and information about quantity of crossings of the border ... The quantity of criminal cases connected with drugs contraband makes scanty 0,8% from all narcocrimes, taking into account that 100% of heroin and 85% of synthetics are imported from abroad. It appears that international agreements which oblige our authorities to give citizenship to foreigners after extremely simplified procedures also promote drug traffickers in every possible way. As a result, Ivanov stressed, more than 50% of big foreign drug traffickers arrested by us had the Russian passport which served them as ideal pass into the country. Thus, the lecturer summed up, "we ourselves, as a matter of fact, have created the most favored conditions for drug traffickers". A year passed - what did the president, the government and deputies make that paradise for "sellers of death" has turned back a hell? To lock the border for drug traffickers? Nothing. On the contrary, Federal Migration Service continue standing up for softening of the migratory legislation in interests of oligarchs and bosses of building business... There was so much noise round the scandalous law on police which definitively transformed Russia into a police state?! But almost nobody noticed that someone withdrew from art. 2 "Basic Lines of Police Activity" its duties to struggle with spread of drug addiction, to reveal "sellers of death" and to bring them to liability. Who achieved removal of that major task of law-enforcement bodies? Who took fighters with heroine death from our schools, high schools, youth vacation spots, court yard, entrances and streets? Who will catch them now? After all FDCS is engaged absolutely in different duties. What is it - if it's not drug mafia victory? Who paid to presidential administration for that fertile withdrawal in the law about police? After all it had been introduced, as you know, on behalf of Medvedev. Dmitry Anatolevich, if you didn't reflect on it?
From editorial board: It's interesting to specify - if the chief of the Federal Service for Narcotics Control deliberately misled deputies, saying that crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation on internal documents passes uncontrollably, "without receiving marks in the documents, namely: place, time, type of transport and information about quantity of crossings of the border"? Actually each crossing of the border is fixed by frontier service and the data is brought into computer and in case when, say, the total staying of the foreigner in the Russian Federation exceeds admissible under the contract, he is not allowed in the country. He is not also allowed if he is in "stop list", if he is wanted, he is allowed to cross the border and is being detain at once. All difference is that they stamp international passport but don't do the same with general civil passport. The frontier guard doesn't sit counting up number of stamps and assorting dates of entrances there written in clumsy handwriting; he gets guided by computer database.
The journalist can have no notion of it but the head of the state committee should know it obligatory.
The same way it is wrong to write off all problem of narcotraffic on labor and other migration. It's very difficult today to imagine "Iron Curtain", especially on borders with former USSR republics where citizens of the Russian Federation have approximately 25 million relatives, not talking about friends and acquaintances. Well and it is wrong to write off all problem of the narcotraffic on labor and other migration. To very difficultly itself to present today "Iron Curtain", especially on borders with the former republics USSR where at citizens of the Russian Federation lives approximately 25 million relatives, without speaking about friends and acquaintances. The problem after all is not in a transparency of borders in the CIS but in their permeability outside of Commonwealth. What was really paid by drug mafia - it's the decision about withdrawal of the Russian frontier guards from the Tadjik-Afghani border. What's the sense to introduce international passports for guest workers, if crossing of border with Afghanistan on the Tadjik check point costs about 20 dollars without any documents in general!? These are the data from group of our comrades which visited thus solar Afghanistan from check point in Khorog last summer. Well and, of course, the core drug traffickers are not workers from southern republics but large structures symphysic with state structures. They carry the Afghani heroin not in trousers of guest workers but by huge parties packed into cargoes which are not at all exposed to customs and boundary control. I don't talk about cocaine which is mentioned by the author - meanwhile we don't border crossing regime under internal passports with Columbia. While there is a lot of cocaine in Moscow... As to the idea to limit labor migration - it is necessary not to forget that not less than 1 million Tadjik families live today exclusively at the expense of money earned in Russia. It is one of those thin threads which still keeps some unity of the Soviet peoples. Deprive this one million families of means for living and you receive instead of as a whole friendly Tajikistan such Taliban on southern borders of the CIS - there'll be hell to pay. They will start forwarding drugs through the border in the Orenburg region as it's done in some Khorog - with the help of gangs armed cap-á-pie with automatic machines, grenade cup and other means of maintenance of free trade. Yes, it's necessary to struggle against narcotraffic but it's necessary to consider this question more deeply... While bureaucratic decisions which Mr. Ivanov suggests - to introduce stamps, certificates, references are, to put it mildly, useless in narcowar which is carried out today against us. If it's really possible to stop narcobusiness by stamp? No, only armies on external borders of the CIS can help; customs which "does not give OK"; policemen who shoot at first and only then think and also the judges who aren't afraid to take out death sentences. Drug-dealing can be paralyzed only using horror. Today it's useless to follow some other way. Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk
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