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20 dec 2024 |
"Manezh" Nationalism Could Be Overcome Only by Proletarian Internationalism
Таtyana Gavrilova
Yury Budanov's death and fears concerning probable reaction to it again made ethnic question occupy the first place in bourgeois mass-media.
Tatarstan is the major region in the European Russia where ethnic question is the first object of gamble of ruling elite and way of manipulation populace to preserve domination of the ruling bureaucracy. We - old residents of Kazan - still remember events of 90s years when environment of the president Shaimiev having already privatized all material actives of Tatarstan started privatization of the most secret one: of souls and hearts of the Tatar people. Really, what being just formed bai mode of newly-baked billionaires could propose to people if not the most cave nationalism? That very ideology of Ivan the Terrible times was called up to convince usual ordinary Tatars that they having no material riches (except the lop-sided country house on five hundred parts) should for some reason be happy that, for example, "Tatneft" belongs not to the Moscow oligarchs but to the native, national ones. Having refused from Soviet, sometimes shallow internationalism, the ruling bureaucracy welcome horrible snake of international hatred and enmity into our house. New ruling elite got generated proceeding from representations of the same Ivan the Terrible times having taken deep roots in local ethnocentric bureaucracy, in full conformity with laws of the established neofeudalism. Open every telephone directory of every ministry or department of Tatarstan - you will get into the world of already carried out ethnic cleaning, while only at officialdom level but it's only for a while. Having lost the right to work for state owing to non-fitting into local bureaucratic model the Russians and Russian-speaking bureaucrats become nutrient habitat medium for the most extreme nationalist sights - now already "Russian". Thus initial cultivation of one type of nationalism (let it be even the most silent and "harmless") then causes chain reaction as a result of which its numerous more virulent forms appears. In Tatarstan uprisal of the "Russian national movement" which put end to almost twenty-year domination of its Tatar big brother got outlined since 2011 against background of a little exhausted Tatar national movement (even if it's a temporary phenomenon as a consequence of disappointment of the Tatar people in bai orientations of their "national leaders"). Several meetings and pickets to protect Russian language in Tatarstan passed in Kazan. Apparently, the Russian national movement here only begins. There is a question: "How should we - representatives of the left forces of Tatarstan -treat it?" Unfortunately, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Tatarstan corroded by internal struggle between anti-bureaucratic bottoms and corrupt mirgalimov's top is not capable of paying a little considerable attention to ethnic question (however as well as to any other question - working, of youth, veteran), the more so "first secretary Mirgalimov" has unattractive for a supervising member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation past of the most active member of the Tatar Nationalist Movement) and in his bureaucratic practice constantly shows that local bais are closer to him, than ordinary "members of the same party". Thus, there is nobody, except us - the left active members - to struggle for the rights of the workers, the students, the pensioners and to develop approaches to solving of ethnic question. We have almost centenary history of the left movement in Russia and world in ethnic question. This history teaches that only the proletariat is capable to develop the most advanced internationalist ideology capable to resist to all types of nationalism, no matter local or great-power ones. There is also our own practice when representatives of different peoples, which representatives of "elite" don't get along with each other, reaching at times extreme forms of enmity and hatred work together in strike and working committees,. While our left won't cease to make advances following example of father Zju to "the Russian socialism", there's no chance even to dream of any Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Russian Communist Worker's Party and other really proletarian organizations. While every not proletarian organization with inevitability will run into nationalism. So there is no possibility to avoid new events on Manezh Square... Consequences of new "Manezh" will be more tragic, than known examples of the international pogroms accompanying disintegration of the USSR (Baku, Sumgayit, Fergana). But then it was far from Moscow. Now disintegration of the Russian Federation occurs everywhere and not in the last instance in Moscow. One shouldn't raven on "cheap illusions" as thoughtless grammar-school girl who hoped that "it would pass" and then when it didn't, hoped that "would resolve by itself"... Miracles never happen. Capitalism in its present stage is a pledge of fast inevitable ruin of the country rests. Only the forces which structures of a new working socialism become kernel could reconcile parents of the dead Elza Kungaeva and Yury Budanov's deserted daughter. Here you are one more argument in favor of necessity of creation of the new originally left organization capable actually not to yelp about international break, not to try to introduce at any cost their leaders to the parliament but to lean against the left internationalist active and to generate on this basis viable structures, capable to replace rotted through official and to prevent thus full collapse on all directions. Creation of such organization becomes pledge of prevention of a new coil of slow civil war and non-admission of retraction of the Russian Federation in the new hot massacre. Читайте также:
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