20 dec 2024 |
To Kill To Distract Attention?
According to the polls of "Levada-Center" carried out on standard sampling method on January, 21- 24th (it was over before the act of terrorism), 38% of Russians consider that the country follows the wrong way. There were 32% of discontent with the state of affairs in Russia in the beginning of last year. In December 69% approve activity of the president Medvedev, 75% are contra. Putin's rating fell even more - from 79 to 72%. The lowest ratings were in spring, 2009 since May, 2008 when Medvedev occupied the Kremlin and Putin - the White House: 68 and 76% accordingly. Putin lost support of citizens not only as the prime-minister but also as possible presidential nominee. Only 23% of respondents are ready to vote for him. Rating of the leader of "Edinaya Russia" starts falling in autumn: it was at a level of 37% in June, to December it reached 31%. 17% were ready to vote for Medvedev in June, 21% - in December, 19% - in January. In comparison with December credit trust rating also fell: from 49 to 40% to Putin, from 40 to 35% to Medvedev. Deputy director of "Levada-Center" Alexey Grazhdankin notes that they fix lowering of ratings after New Year holidays not the first time. The main reasons, according to Grazhdankin, - economic - as the experts warned: the period of long stagnation and slow crisis recovery, population doesn't see any prospect for long time. Act of terrorism in "Domodedovo", according to sociologist, distract attention from other problems and the decisive reaction of the power influence rising of its ratings, especially Putin's one who is perceived as the follower of more rigid policy.
From editorial board: It is possible to say that operation "take out Lenin" brought some sociological result - power ratings fell, of course, but didn't crashed down. Around 70% - is, of course, less, than Islam Karimov has, whose rocky rating can already "be cast in granite" but magic figure in 70% of "ådinaya Russia" remains. Such is the love of our people... malicious love.
Now I would result words of the head of political department of the central executive committee of «ådinaya Russia» Alexey Chadaev in narration of "Vedomosty": "January - is a time of "political hang-over" when there's no more money because of holidays and it's still far to next salary, new pay-sheets for utilities come and it's difficult in the whole to come to work". As he said, the rating was hardly probable affected by events on Manezhnaya Square - they more excited political elite but not inhabitants, while post-New Year syndrome affects mood and relation of people to the power".
That is absolutely sober situation assessment takes place - almost literally the same what opposition told. I said it myself and not once.
Now let's look what measures are accepted by the power (and "ådinaya Russia" is the power) to soften consequences of real deterioration of life of citizens in new year. Perhaps it lowers tariffs? Establishes limits on a rise in prices for foodstuff? Establishes grants for the most necessary goods and services? Freezes prices for transport and oil?
No, the power makes political strategy decision - to begin campaign of next reburial of Lenin from the mausoleum to bring down heat of social problems, simply speaking - to distract attention of the society to a poppycock.
Who is nominal owner of site "GoodbyeLenin" where the same magic for "ådinaya Russia" figure in 70% of support of the initiative of power is shown? Correctly, Alexey Chadaev who shows today such accurate understanding of the situation in the country in connection with "New Year's hang-over". Here you are what data base of RosNIIRos says: domain: GOODBYELENIN.RU As we see, distracting maneuver with Lenin was undertaken by "ådinaya Russia" meaningly, with full understanding of the situation. Now we will set a couple of questions. It is clear that a joke being repeated twice and furthermore four times ceases to be ridiculous. It is visible from "Levada-Center" poll - the rating of a ruling tandem decreased, in spite of the fact that dances round the dead leader were executed with full ritual precision. Figure in 70% of support of the power which "Levada-Center" gives is the same way authentic, as 70% the result of the poll organized on the site by mister Chadaev. For example, here you are the results of poll on FORUM.msk:
As we see, it's not 70%. Why it is necessary to trust similar figure in "Levada-center" poll, if audience, as a matter of fact, is the same? Just in case we are carrying out similar poll. We will see soon the real state of affairs. Though the main question is not in it but in act of terrorism in "Domodedovo". We are informed that the poll of "Levada-Center" was carried out BEFORE act of terrorism, that is it is supposed that act of terrorism could serve as distracting maneuver, as well as traditional fresh-water sponge with Lenin's reburial. But, undoubtedly, act of terrorism in which 35 people died and more than a hundred suffered is much more "strong mean". Whether we can assume that sirs from "ådinaya Russia" understood perfectly well what it is and why they do it, when they organized provocation with taking the body of Lenin away? We can - the proofs are resulted above. Whether we can assume that someone could organize act of terrorism with the same purpose of derivation of people from real social and political problems? Certainly, we are talking not about executive committee of "ådinaya Russia" - here the action is already far not virtual. Or we don't know examples of "controlled terrorism" for preservation or modeling of political situation? Though, unfortunately, in this country there is no structure which could make independent investigation. We even don't have institute of parliamentary investigations. Therefore connection of "high policy" and terrorism remains a subject of researches of political scientists, not of inspectors. ánatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk
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