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6 jan 2025 |
Political Creative Work of Our President
Oleg Sultanov
Political creative work of our president started most fully and brightly to shine in a threshold of forthcoming parliamentary elections. "The fierce struggle" on TV screen, in printed mass-media between "Edinaya Russia" and "oppositional" child of the chapter of Council of Federation Sergey Mironov party "Fair Russia" externally reminded spectators table tennis but there as a ball was used not a celluloid ball but dithyrambs to Putin. His decision to head the list of edinorossies speaks, in my opinion, for the skill of their serves, high qualification at carrying out of talky passion polemics with "opponents". Also - for the aspiration of the president himself to burn (with the aim to temper?) the society with unpredictability of his political - personnel maneuvers.
I think, our society actually has received from V.V.P a kind of a burn when the president being under the Constitution the leader of all nation headed a couple of months up to the elections the list of a concrete political party. As much as it's known, not all Russia belonged to it but only official part of it... So, official preferences of Vladimir Vladimirovicha became known. We shall try to think them over, adhering to the ancient wisdom "Known is not yet cognized".
... When Michael Efimovich Fradkov was appointed 27-th in succession head of the Soviet-Russian external investigation, I personally began to expect from the president the words about new director of FSB; well, for example, about Michael Zurabov or Anatoly Chubays. They are famous democrats, their merits before the White house are huge if to recollect privatization and the results of realization of the law №122. What White house, you ask? It's for you to decide, dear readers. Anyway, in national satirical creativity there are almost poems either about military minister with furniture - financial knowledge, or about the allmighty voucher which for some reason associates by the majority of the Russians with the image of firmly - majestic phallus, or about terrible consequences for the exempts being concealed in abbreviation from three letters.
Well, why you have so rude, dear readers, assumptions? I meant only notorious Additional Pharmacological Support. Or, what, for example, interferes with Herman Gref to head GRU in the Joint Staff of the Russian army? Well, nothing! His old regime intelligent face with small beard will even look better on a background of army general jacket. Saying nothing about the fact that black uniform of the general of FSB and light chestnut chatoyment of the hair of Anatoly Borisovich combine visually very well and this combination is deeply got by an interlacing of the moral beginnings incorporated in patriot Chubays and in the applicability of the service of state security of the Russian Federation. One would recollect at once saying about a cold head, hot heart and ...
Well, all right, when you will start to recollect Borisovich his hands will be in gloves. Or in pockets. However, let's try to estimate staff appointments made by the sovereign - president.
Professional intelligence officer, 59-year old general Sergey Lebedev having the 34-years experience of service in state security at the will of V. Putin conceded the post of director of SVR to M.Fradkov. Dear Michael Efimovich, even if he all his conscious life was the secret fighter of invisible intelligence service front, is not familiar with new work, for between activity of tax police which was once headed and then buried by mister Fradkov and specificity of management of external political intelligence service there is a big difference. Years will pass before our former prime-minister and now "young intelligence officer" accustoms himself. Will it be for the benefit of SVR?
It turns out, that the president changed the professional of the upper intelligence test for simply devoted official. Whom is it favourable to? Fradkov is only two years younger than Lebedev who now is defined the executive secretary of the CIS. May be, there this skilled general is necessary but SVR is bared; or the need in its professional services has already disappeared?
It is possible, I think, in the same way to discuss the chief medical ministry of the country when it was several years ago left by minister - physician Jury Shevchenko. Since then our public health services is being tried unsystematically to rule by either cybernetics, or financiers and each of these nonprofessionals in medicine invents some society-killing "reforms", beating out on their realization billions from our pockets.
Ill-starred system DLO is completely ruined; if in the last year 50 % of exempts refused from medicines, in 2007 only five millions out of 17 million exempts expressed desire to receive DLO. It's no wonder, there are no medicines.
One of these days new head of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova took part in a meeting with medical public of the Astrakhan area. She was directly asked when medical products would appear? Minister answered that she visited a drugstore and found out all medicines there. She was then told that management showed her special drugstore, meanwhile there are no medicines in ordinary drugstores, one has to wait for a necessary medicine for 4-5 months...
Why it all occurs, why the head of the state compels us to use services of nonprofessionals? I believe, the fine and precise answer to my question was given by the chapter of a party "Edianay Russia" Boris Gryzlov: "Perhaps, there is no such sphere of the state and public life where "Edianay Russia" would not have serious influence ... ".
Precisely this position, Boris Vjacheslavovich, disturbs most of all non-memebers of the party headed by you. They make up, as you understand, in our country the majority. Your party, dear sir Gryzlov, tanks, "shooting" at population of Russia high-quality noodles about certain achievements of edinorossies. For example, your colleague Andrey Isaev approves, that one of the basic achievements of "Edinaay Russia" is "the beginning of practical realization of the national projects related to health, education, agriculture, housing... The quality of medical treatment has significantly bettered.. " It's a lie and all country knows about it, life in which "under a wise management of "Edinaya Russia" everything rises and rises in price. Maintenance of new quality of life, promised by B.Gryzlov after decision of V. Putin to head the party on the elections in the State Duma is ordinary bluff as already now inflation and prices for foodstuffs considerably are ahead of all positions advertised by edinorossies of "Putin's Plan".
People, no matter how strange it is, demands nothing from boastful "Edianay Russia", it asks only the authority of the country to observe the current legislation. Whether they, for example, in our Ministries of Defence and other "epaulettes" ministries and services know that on October, 13th this year the military public of Primorye Territory is going to have protest action "Inspection - Check of Veterans of Power Structures"?
Veterans will demand that the government fulfill the Federal Law "About Pension Coverage of Citizens Who Passed Military Service", settle matter with housing certificates which cost makes only 30% from the real price of an apartment. So, they will remind authorities the truth that the love to the Native land - is not only respect to its gray hairs, but also reverence of its epaulettes, gold on which, in my opinion, always should be more, than on cloaks of the autocrat and accompanying him "boyars".
... Personnel perturbations made by president Putin before elections and numerous "manifests" of "Edinaya Russia" about exclusive role of this party in life of our country give full representation about ideological policy and incorporated aims of the high ranking representatives of the Kremlin and its "Edianay Russia". Their joint creative work, in my opinion, is anxious only by the establishment of own self-value of "arbiter" of the huge country. Apparently, no recovery of sight is expected ... Therefore we, non-edinorossies have only sharp civil not indifference to the destiny of Fatherland. And also desire - that ailing would be treated by doctors instead of engineers, the rights of the population would be protected by lawyers instead of butchers, secrets of foes - would be found out by spies instead of laymen. And, at last, that our Fatherland would be headed by true fathers of ALL nation instead of the leaders of some separate groups ... Читайте также:
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