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12 jan 2025 |
Congress of the Ruling Communist Party Started
The XVIII congress of 82-million Communist Party of China/CPC - the biggest political party in the world, ruling in the country with population over 1,3 billion people was opened today in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. 2325 delegates and "specially invited persons" - heads of the ministries and departments, mass organizations, parties recognizing leading role of the Communist Party of China, eminent public figures take part in the work of forum which will last a week. About 1700 Chinese and foreign journalists will give coverage of the work of the congress. The General Secretary of the Central Committee of CPC Hu Jintao makes today public speech with the report of the Central Committee of the 17th convocation. Reports of the Central Commission of CPC on discipline check will be read next days, amendments to the party charter will be considered and approved. Delegates will discuss major problems facing the country in social and economic area, problems of political reform. The party forum will approve "the fifth generation" of the Chinese heads who will be in power within the next decade. It’s expected that 59-year old Xi Jinping being now the vice-chairman of the People's Republic of China will become the general secretary of the Central Committee of CPC. In March, 2013 following the results of session of the National People’s Congress he can occupy the post of the chairman of the People's Republic of China. ________________________________________ From editorial board: Likely congress of the largest party of the world supervising the largest country of the world with the world's largest economy is the main news of today. Irrespective of the relation to China, word "communistic" in the name of the party and attitude of the party to this word in its name. Naturally, nothing’s being decided at the congress of CPC, 2325 people can’t make the decision "from scratch" – everything’s been prepared in advance and the supreme party body only fixes the party decision. It can seem profanation from outside - as it was at the last XXVIII congress of CPSU, as it occurs at operetta "congresses" of CPRF which can solve nothing in principle in the absence of touch with reality. Though this similarity is only seeming. Real power over processes in the state and society as it was at congresses of CPSU of the period before Gorbachev is behind organized nature of the Chinese congress – real work of the party and state was behind each word in the report of the general secretary which had been prepared several months before being read and was prepared substantially by the group of experts and functionaries. The General Secretary was even physically unable to capture all aspects of internal and international life of superstate - he was only the speaker and the coordinator of that huge work which the ruling party carried out. Later everything crashed, but it doesn't cancel historical experience – actuality of this experience is shown by CPC at today's congress. Yes, "the Chinese communism" came to the superrigid and supercentralized system of capitalist operation - the most cruel in the civilized world. It’s paradoxical, but China under control of the communist party created the most powerful capitalist economy of a planet with the most naked class and social contradictions. Building of socialism remains the main target of CPC, though party heads understand that now they create only material base on the basis of which socialist transformation could happen. It is necessary to wait when "the red dragon" will again change its skin and from the country of the highest capitalist exploitation of workers will turn into the country of the won socialism. All paradox in that the socialist revolution in China should also happen under sensitive control of the party. In the USSR such "transformation from above" led to the ruin of the model. Having constructed "socialism in general" by 1936, the party created material and technical base for communism (there was even such a term) on the basis of "socialist" relations, having abolished even artels of Stalin era, having driven all into the Ministry of Local Industry where they disappeared. Attempt to enter democracy of liberal sense into such system naturally led to such internal contradictions that system self-destructed - having left all over all former USSR the same model of comical oligarchical capitalism, never existed before - except a book of ingenious Nikolay Nosov "Neznayka on the Moon". Whether it could be different? If at all different ways the former republics of the USSR came actually to the same? "Practice - criterion of truth", if it’s not so? Practice of supercentralized socialism in attempt to interbreed it with practice of decentralized liberal democracy could come only to one - to liberal fascism with absolute power of monopolies into which the former Soviet ministries turned and enchanting profanation of democratic procedures – if it could be different, if "free elections" are organized the same place (and by the same people) as Komsomol meetings? If former KGB of the USSR acts as the guarantor of democratic freedoms? Everything’s being put correctly in China: at first they build capitalism - powerful and developed – at that such contradictions which could lead to nowhere but to revolution are being put from the very beginning into it. When mortality as a result of accidents on mines of China is 10 times higher, than in all other countries of the world taken together. When the Chinese oligarchs having capital enter raw branches of, say, Kazakhstan, they get sincerely surprised, why Nazarbayev's mode pays so well to its workers – the Chinese would do the same for a salary 5 times less and keep silent about social guarantees... No pension provision of the workers exist in China even now. The most interesting thing is that CPC is going to control revolutionary process. Now there are no bases not to believe that it won’t manage to do it... Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Читайте также:
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