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22 dec 2024 |
Federal Budget Was Corrected to Crisis
The State Duma approved anti-recessionary amendments to the budget of the country for 2009. The new variant of the budget is made up taking into account the fact that prices for oil will make 41 dollar for barrel. In a result deficiency of the budget made almost 3 billion roubles. In such conditions it was decided to redistribute money resources. The new bill assumes to increase charges of the budget due to anti-recessionary measures but, at the same time, to reduce budgetary assignments - it sounds a little bit paradoxical.
Falling of gross national product of Russia in the first quarter of 2009 can make more than 7%, - it was declared to the journalists by vice-premier, Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin. As he said, situation in the first quarter - both in the world and in Russia - turned out to be worse, than it was expected. For example, car industry
Naturally, ideologists of "Edinaya Russia" convince that, despite of reduction of the budget, social charges in it would be increased. It doesn't matter to them that such things are not possible. However deputy Draganov, probably, being not absolutely in a rate of official line, said that modernization of economy being carried out by the government could bring also some negative moments, for example, increase of unemployment because of bankruptcy of noncompetitive enterprises.
Stop! They were talking about reduction of the budget in connection with crisis - what "modernizations of economy" they are talking about now? Perhaps, the question is about optimization? Then the growth of unemployment is understandable - enterprises start closing.
The state should refuse the policy of preservation of workplaces at any cost, the chapter of Ministry of Social and Economic Development of Russia Elvira Nabiullina declared, addressing the conference within the framework of Week of the Russian Business. In her opinion, it only preserves inefficiency. Now the state and business should concentrate on creation of new workplaces, on retraining and on outstripping re-skilling of becoming free workers.
It is better to dismiss employee, than to try to keep his workplace by all means. That is the way her predecessor on the post Eugeny Yasin commented on the offer of Elvira Nabiullina to refuse the policy of preservation of workplaces at any cost. So, more likely it's nevertheless the question of optimization and rigid enough. It means, the rest - simply a smoke screen.
"Despite of the fact that the price for oil fell many times and the economy of Russia suffers difficult times, all social obligations before pensioners, teachers, doctors, cultural workers, higher schools workers will be executed", - member of "Edinaya Russia" Volodin noted. He emphasized that "updating of the budget is necessary to increase volumes of financing of Pension Fund, programs on creation of new workplaces, increase of payments on unemployment". It's clear - creation of new workplaces is necessary if old ones will start disappearing - unemployment was insignificant before crisis.
"All applications that a sequestration of the budget took place - lie. Sequestration is a reduction of budgetary charges, while actually budgetary charges in the given project are even increased in comparison with initial variant. First of all it happened due to the growth of means for social needs and anti-recessionary measures which were undertaken by the government", - other member of "Edinaya Russia" Isaev noted. The comrade somehow didn't get that sharp growth of charity charges could be caused only by one thing - growth of number of beggars.
Well and the most important point: everything is being in fact calculated in roubles - except for prices for oil. Legislator meaningly conceals correction for exchange rate talking about growth of budgetary parameters.
In the meantime Moscow City Council supported the project of reference to chairman of the government Vladimir Putin "About measures on restriction of growth of tariffs viewing to mitigate consequences of economic crisis for the population and economy", brought by the leader of the party "Yabloko" and its fraction in Moscow City Council Sergey Mitrokhin.
The author of the reference suggested to appeal to prime-minister to add to the Program of anti-recessionary measures of the Government of the Russian Federation a number of measures directed on restriction of growth of tariffs. Among them is possible to allocate preservation in 2009 of volumes of electric power delivered for controlled prices at a level of 2008, revision of the legislation related to standards of disclosure of information by subjects of natural monopolies for maintenance of transparency of formation of tariffs for their works and services and also restriction of growth of tariffs this year with a rate of inflation in 2008 - 13%.
However the majority of "Edinaya Russia" rejected the given initiative - out of time...
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