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2 jan 2025 |
Putin Published Pre-Election Chutzpah
Chutzpah (from Jewish - impudence, comes from Hebrew - boldness): slang term means surprising boldness, impudence in the supreme degree. Vladimir Putin published article in Gabrenyanov’s newspaper "Izvestia" where he gave estimation to processes occurring in the country and told what would enter his presidential electoral programme. By means of this publication, the prime minister declared in the article, he would like to invite the Russian public to wide dialogue: "I consider it necessary to state own position on a number of questions which seem to me important for extensive discussion". It is written by drunken speechmaker on behalf of the citizen who participates in presidential elections for already 3 (third) time (Long Live the Constitution!) - and never took part in debates. Putin is not going to discuss anything with anybody. So, I told, you can discuss. But all the same it will be as I told. “A problem constantly repeating in the history of Russia - aspiration of a part of its elite to jerk, to revolution instead of consecutive development. Meanwhile not only the Russian experience, but all world experience shows malignancy of historical jerks: being ahead of time and throwing-down without creation”, — Vladimir Putin writes. “Today they talk about different forms of updating of political process, - Putin explains for the most stupid. - But what is being offered for discussion? How to arrange the power? To transfer it to "better people”? What will be further? What will we do? I am anxious with the fact that we practically do not discuss what is necessary to do behind frameworks of elections, after elections. In my opinion, it doesn’t answer interests of the country, quality of development of our society, level of its formation and responsibility”. It is written on behalf of the person who became the president two times without offering the program of presidential actions to the society, proposing just "Putin's Plan". Up to now "Putin's Plan" remains a secret. We were just reported from posters: "Putin's Plan works!" Probably, new command of Putin’s speech writers which came to change Dzhohan Pollyeva consists of absolutely young men who simply don't remember what previous command spoke and wrote on behalf of Putin. “The Russian citizens, it seems to me, should have opportunity to discuss not only merits and demerits of politicians that is good in itself, but also maintenance of the policy, of those programs which these or those politicians intend to carry out”. It’s interesting what interfered with such possibility before and what interferes with it now? May be stop sheets and "gag orders" on television, radio and printing central mass-media which became customary during Putin's epoch? May be total disappearance of independent media as class? May be that circumstance that Russia long time ago has entered the five of the countries which are most adverse and dangerous for work of the journalists? However, I am ready to discuss it - personally with Putin. Putin, I am open to dialogue. Here you are Putin's thesis: "... We reached and overcame indicators of standard of living of the safest years of the USSR. For example, life expectancy in Russia is already above, than in the Soviet Union in 1990-1991", - is written as though by Putin. Question: Why 1990-91 are considered the safest in the history of the USSR? Generally the longest life expectancy in the USSR was marked in 1964-65 when it made 70,4 years. While in 1990 - far not the safest in the history of the country - average life expectancy made 69,5 years. Now this figure across the Russian Federation - 65.94 years. Are you on friendly terms with arithmetics? Putin affirms: "According to independent researches, real incomes of four of five Russians exceed level of 1989 – “peak” of the development of the USSR". Question: Who told him that the year 1989 became peak of the development of the USSR? What monetary or other units does Putin use to calculate real incomes? If to take consumption of basic foodstuff by citizens of the Russian Federation in comparison with the Soviet period, we will see that the Russians consume less meat and fish in 2-2,5 times, fresh fruit and vegetables - in one and a half times, while consumption of bread and groats has increased as in the years of famine. If to compare the Russian Federation to the Soviet union on a number of homeless and beggars, advance will make, I believe, tens times. Putin writes: "... Middle class are people who can choose policy". Question: If disfranchisement is established for other classes in the Russian Federation and thus they can't choose policy? Besides - how middle class can "choose policy"? Unless elections of governors and councilors of the Federation Council haven't disappeared during Putin's board? Unless elections of deputies registered in the Constitution under majority scheme weren't replaced at all levels by elections under the party lists which are not registered in the Organic law? Unless it was not Putin's board when the number of registered parties got reduced three-fold and almost all parties submitted documents to registration received refusal? How can 99 percent of voters "choose policy" if they are not members of parties, that is they are deprived of passive suffrage - that is of the right and possibility to put forward own candidates on elections? Putin writes: "57% of our citizens at the age of 25–35 years have higher education - such level is noticed except Russia only in 3 countries of the world: Japan, South Korea and Canada". Question: What percent of these educated citizens has possibility to work on speciality registered in the diploma? Judging by structure of Putin’s government almost none of his ministers work on speciality. What could be said about simple citizens? Putin writes: "... Growth of Russia in forthcoming decade means expansion of space of freedom for each of us". Question: whether it is necessary to understand that next 10 years Putin doesn't plan to leave post of the president of the Russian Federation, that is we choose him for minimum 12 years? There are no doubts that growth of space of freedom for Putin will extend – he hasn’t walked in space, he hasn’t gravitated to the bottom of World Ocean, he hasn’t rise to Chomolungma, he hasn’t make discoveries in the jungles of Africa, eventually, a riddle of Atlantis remains unsolved till now. What about other citizens? If there’s any direct connection between expansion of freedom of citizen Putin - and restriction of freedom of other citizens? On the contrary - whether restriction of freedom of one citizen Putin will mean liberation for of all other? Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Читайте также:
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