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2 jan 2025 |
Mood of People Changes – Towards Revolution
Sergey Biets
Revolution and all power to the workers - become more and more popular slogans. Today our organization took part in a mass meeting of public protest on Sakharov’s Avenue. As we had no possibility to make public speeches from a tribune privatized by "oppositional fraction" of "the party of swindlers and thieves", we had to state our position in printed form and to distribute it to people. In total we distributed 5 thousand newspapers and 12 thousand leaflets of radical communistic maintenance. We managed to get a concept of the mood of gathered people in the process of distribution of leaflets on which two slogans "GIVE WAY REVOLUTION!" and "ALL POWER TO THE WORKERS!" were written in large letters. Reaction to leaflets was in the following ratio - 10% responded extremely negatively about revolution and laughed at the slogan of delegation of power to the workers and approximately 20% completely supported both slogans. 70% of those who received leaflets made no comments at all. This supervision says that the supporters of the left and revolutionary sights are twice as many than opponents among those who defined and stated their position. The majority for which we should fight with our liberal-nationalist opponents is made of those people who haven’t defined and haven’t expressed one’s opinion. However in my opinion the situation gradually changes in our advantage for on December, 10th there were more opponents of revolution, than on December, 24th. In conditions of absence of democratic procedures (elections, forms of national representation, etc.) struggle for sympathies of the street is as a matter of fact the unique form of political strike – the one is right who manages to lead the way to the majority. No intrigues, no any bureaucratic juggling and money will help bourgeois to head (to decapitate) the national protest. Their purpose - Putin mode without Putin, our purpose - proletarian revolution. There’s the majority of us - workers. We are sure of our forces and the day is ours.
Here you are the text of the distributed leaflets.
GIVE WAY TO REVOLUTION! All who came here are outraged with impudent falsifications on the last elections. Nobody from us voted for ostensibly victorious party in power "United Russia". Many voted for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, someone for other parties of the list. But we, the workers, all voted not FOR somebody since there was in the list no party really reflecting interests of people! We voted AGAINST POWER! We are against this power because we have beggarly salaries, factories everywhere go bankrupt, reductions, evictions from habitation take place, housing and communal services tariffs unreasonably grow, free medicine and education remained in the past. We are against because even under the law we are almost deprived of civil rights and those few rights that we still have – exist only on paper. Every strike, every legal protest ends in life with "black lists” and police reprisals. Today we go to the streets under the slogan of struggle against the power of swindlers and thieves, for fair elections. This requirement is offered by liberal opposition. It’s good requirement, but fair elections are impossible at present social system. Present economic system – capitalism - led to that 80% of citizens of the Russian Federation live in poverty and beggary – I mean us – working people. If elections are really fair, we will immediately get rid of capitalism, we will get rid of private property on means of production as from our main problem. Therefore no bourgeois government will admit fair elections, therefore, from our, class point of view every bourgeois government will be the government of swindlers and thieves. Consequently we can't be satisfied with liberal requirements now. Neither simple recalculation of votes, nor new elections will solve our problems, but they will lead to change of figures in power. While we, working people, need radical change of the existing social and economic system! We demand from every power: - to nationalize industry, transport and banks - do not interfere with working control over manufacture, finance and distribution of budgetary funds - introduction of progressive surtax - to provide labor employment, worthy salary, free medicine, education and maintenance with habitation. As real democracy is power of majority of people and as none bourgeois power will not carry out our requirements, our main requirement - ALL POWER TO THE WORKERS! Separated crowd, even very big can't achieve not only power changes, but even performance of a part of its requirements. The crowd can follow only those who are ready to show way. If we, working people, don't want to appear the herd led by our class opponents, we need own class management, own political party. Today, when we go to the streets we simply need THE REVOLUTIONARY WORKER’S PARTY!
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