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20 dec 2024 |
National Protest in Moscow Region Acquired the Form of Battle Actions
Buslaev Artem
Mass protest actions against antisocial reforms proceed. In past days off (on March, 21-22, 2009) events which took place in Klin of Moscow region where almost revolutionary situation of a city level was achieved acquired the greatest scope. Local mayor A.Postrigan (illegally combining posts of the head of Klin district and the head of Klin) governing since 1992 completely got to local population. The growth of tariffs for housing and communal services which are the highest in the region became the next problem. Two strong oppositional movements act in the region - "Soglasie and Pravda" (publishing newspaper with the same name) and local movement of the left orientation publishing newspaper "News of Klin" and actively cooperating with Russian Communist Party of Workers - Russian Party of Communist. The first of these movements organized meeting in Klin on March, 21, while the second at active participation of Russian Communist Party of Workers - Russian Party of Communist - on March, 22. Requirements of both meetings were practically identical - protest against growth of tariffs for housing and communal services and the requirement of resignation of Postrigan's command. They failed to organize joint meeting as representatives of the first of movements named in their struggle against mayor assign big hopes for the president of the Russian Federation Меdvedev and consequently refrain from close interaction with those who understand that not only mayor is the the guilty one (though nobody exculpate him for all known antinational acts) but system of capitalism as a whole.
As it was already informed earlier, there were notices for both meetings in full conformity with law sent. In both cases local authorities tried to forbid meetings for formal reasons. When organizers of both meetings declared that they would carry out meetings all the same and thus it became clear that there were a lot of people - authorities did not dare to disperse the meetings openly having preferred provocation of other sort.
2 thousand people were present at the meeting on March, 21. Authority placed a car with acoustic technique muffling performances of orators and "unknown" people attacked the chief of the meeting P.Lipatov - editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Soglasie and Pravda" closer by the end of the meeting having broken his head. Further events eyewitnesses describe as follows:
"After termination of the meeting one of the organizers of the meeting, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Soglasie and Pravda" Peter Lipatov. He was hit on the head with baseball bat with such force that the victim for some minutes lost consciousness. Participants of the meeting surrounded Lipatov at once. Ambulance surgeon came to the victim seemed to the protester suspicious person - agent of authorities of the city. After he failed to staff pass participants of the meeting took Lipatov to a supermarket "Borodino", to a place of work of some of the participants. People went in column to see off the oppositional journalist. As of the date of 10.00 p.m. of 21.03 Lipatov is still in the supermarket. He can't leave it to get medical help since militia men are on duty near the shop. According to Lipatov, they want to bring him to the judge to show forged charges. Lipatov saw the person in the civilian who attacked him before in militia form in the criminal investigation department of Klin district.
According to participants of the meeting, on the way to the action people in militia form and civilian beat another organizer of the meeting, the deputy of Klin district of the regional council Kalinkin. Other people who were going to join the meeting came to the defense of the deputy. When he made public speech on the meeting, his hands were in blood. At present it was possible to find out that due active position of the protesters Kalinkin and other organizers were not detained upon termination of the action"..
It is no wonder that many participants of the meeting on March, 21 came on the meeting next day organized already by Russian Communist Party of Workers - Russian Party of Communist. All in all there were about 500 people. The quantity which is a little bit smaller, than in the afternoon can be explained by significantly smaller material resources of organizers. Nevertheless the meeting passed in a fighting enough way. A member of Central Committee of Russian Communist Party of Workers - Russian Party of Communist L.K.Hohrjakov held the meeting, local oppositional journalist J.Samsonov, members of Russian Communist Party of Workers - Russian Party of Communists A.Redin and A.Buslaev, two members of Committee of saving from neighbouring Solnechnogorsk (who shared his experience in struggle), the representative of the Left front, some local residents took part in it. All speechmakers exposed frauds of authorities in sphere of housing and communal services, explained necessity of organized struggle and revolutionary solving of the problems available, spoke about the best practices of struggle in other regions. Many acting rigidly convicted Postrigan's environment, first of all - of the chief of Klin Department of Internal Affairs V.I.Molodovsky, whose assistants bear the main responsibility for provocations on yesterday's meeting. On results of the meeting some tens persons joined Klin committee of saving (included into the structure of the Union of Coordination Councils), it is possible to consider it one of the main positive results of events.
Even before the end of the meeting people came to the organizers and spoke that, judging from behaviour of employees of militia, those were obviously preparing for some provocations against organizers as it was also the day before. Probably, Molodovsky mentioned decided to recollect our past in Khinky (before his appointment the chief of Klin Department of Internal Affairs he was the chief of militia of public safety in Khimky and took part in dispersal of our meetings taking place there in 2005-2006). Therefore after the end of the meeting his participants decided to accompany organizers who arrived from other cities up to railway station. Still there were some attempts of detention of the participants of meeting. For some reason local militia men showed especial interest to me - for example, the employee of militia presented himself as "district police officer Zelenin" tried to detain me under the pretext of personal identity, however this and other attempts of police provocations were stopped by the going citizens and in result all organizers managed to reach their houses lost-free.
Summing up experience of meetings in Moscow region in March, 2009 (on March, 7 in Zhukovsky, the all-Russian action on March, 14-14, meeting in Queen on March, 17, meetings in Klin on March, 21-22) obvious similarity to events of winter, 2005 is possible to trace: protest actions are carried out weekly, attendance considerably exceeds parameters of the times of "quiet" conditions, small amount of announcements for gathering of plenty of people is enough. Even more often protest actions have fighting character - authority, militia and their supporters aspiring to bring down national protest try to drive out first of all youth and in general supporters of active actions first of all. At that very often similar provocations are being made by authority not only on "non-authorized" but also on quite lawful actions - they are afraid not even of the mere fact of carrying out of meetings but that in their course organized nature of protest movement amplifies. Thus people are ready to protect their leaders, more and more often the goons have to recede. The logic of political strike is as follows - authorities will constantly try to stop our actions on organization of struggle of workers, in answer we shall search for means of counteraction to these steps of authorities. And so on and so forth. Up to revolution.
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