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21 dec 2024 |
War of Power Oligarchs with Voters in Moscow: Hundreds Detained People, Thousands Are in Triumph
As FORUM.msk and not only it has already informed, street confrontation between civil opposition and all possible types of armies which power oligarchs (Putin, Sechin and other members of "United Russia") cover their superprofits and falsifications on elections has been taking place for the second day in Moscow. As editor of FORUM.msk Dmitry Chyorny predicted on December, 4th, they don't need to think twice to give antinational orders - today not only Moscow, but also all Russia witnessed it. If after that Putin hopes to look with the same lustre, he is mistaken - hundreds arrested for nothing (the Constitution of the Russian Federation not only let but even demand to express their civic position) citizens of the Russian Federation became not simply witnesses, but victims in this confrontation. For the power which has been plundering riches of the socialist superstate for twenty years elections become a threshold which power oligarchs fail to overcome using own strength, without help of armies. However, television blockade (of got fat Ernest and others) from the state channels while "holds people in calmness", but it is illusion of the inhabitants of the Kremlin. Observers were witnesses of lawlessness which took place on each site. If these are democratic elections, then recollecting quiet and fair, even if sometimes having no alternative elections in the USSR - you start thinking what is better - that "totalitarianism" at which all were quiet and unhurt or present "democracy" with water-cannons and bulldozers for grasping citizens of the Russian Federation from the way of trains with power oligarchs. The founder of "United Russia" Luzhkov acted unexpectedly, unpredictably in this situation. He declared that "it is necessary to sort out situation and not to suppress these people", though we - people who used to walk to the streets in the Days of Anger and used to be suppressed not less cruelly, than it was done with protest actions on Mayakovka and Lubyanka - know what means to sort out luzhkov-like. Luzhkov is opportunist to his shinning bald head - but sometimes even such oligarchs "can't be silent" when behavior of the minority becomes scandalous to such extend. However, Luzhkov was going to join, as he said, protest movement only in the company of Navalny (while Navalny won't be free within next few days), so here old man Baturin wisely and perspicaciously saw that it's better late, than tomorrow, which means - never... Anatoly Baranov, who used to stay in OVD "Hamovniki" till morning, sent best regards to the readers of FORUM.msk by mobile phone in vigorous voice complaining only on headache after beating - already weakening on the sly. The record number of leaders of civil opposition detained on Mayakovka among the crowd consisting of member of pro-Kremlin movement and members of "Nashi" - says that further reprisals against "detonators" are possible. For today's night almost all prominent of the protest on the occasion of frankly forged elections - were isolated from the groups of civil (non-system) opposition supporting them. In revolution delays have dangerous ends, so one more day of opposition of the army and people, probably, would become if not solving, than indicative, it would show how much people and not only the most forward - minded leaders are ready to struggle for fair elections and true, not sovereign democracy. Meanwhile, a meeting of professional counter revolutionists which was headed by Andrey Isaev - old acquaintance of beaten and arrested on the square poet of revolution Mayakovsky passed on Revolution Square. The square transformed on 4th almost in a concentration camp with uncountable frameworks and cordons with ostensibly exhibition, but looking quite camp towers - on 6th became suddenly absolutely suitable for mass meeting of "United Russia", by calculations of oilsuckers and their footmen, there gathered about ten thousand livestock of putinphiles and medvedevmans. "We gathered to tell those who tries to discredit our today's will, to deprive people of their right to decide what power will be in Russia using democratic way, through elections. To tell No to loud minority which supervised over paid provokers. We say that they will never impose Russia a bloody way of revolution", - Isaev proclaimed from a scene. - Well, if mister Isaev would see today's detention with the most severe beatings when blood of citizens of the USSR flew under Mayakovsky's monument, - enters D.Chyorny the dialogue, - perhaps, he wouldn't be so zealous in using metaphors for "bloody way of revolution" placed the country on the second place in the world, lifted it into space and increased for a couple of decades after war its population by a hundred million, while a twenty years' way of regression, that is the way of counterrevolution brought the country back to its initial positions, into capitalism and even feudalism that all Muscovites living after elections as if having closing time see nowadays.
"We won't give a square foot of our streets! Because we are a command! Because we do everything correctly! "United Russia", go ahead! - the head of the Central Executive Committee of UR Andrey Vorobyev continued. - "All those who are present on this square, all those who went to the streets in many cities of Russia to note celebrate the merits and victory, to give thanks to all who came to the polling districts. There were 60 million people, we won in fair competitive struggle, the majority voted for us". - When did our streets, Misters thieves and swindlers, have time to become your streets? - Asks D.Cherny a singing birdie of oilsuckers. - If "United Russia" itself got believed in own propaganda that it builds everywhere schools, hospitals and sanatoria and now privatized our streets?! Well, the more so slogan: "Go out to the street - return city!" will be actual in the proceeding street war. "Foes - are not those political parties which competed to us on elections..., but those who want to challenge people's choice, to destroy the consent in the society... But they will fail to belie our country. They won't manage to shake our belief in our future", - the first vice-speaker of the State Duma Oleg Morozov spoke. "We aren't afraid of any opposition. We are open for dialogue", - the vice-speaker of the Federation Council Svetlana Orlova declared from the scene. - One more birdie starts chirping, - editor of FORUM.msk D.Chyorny adds, - I can't understand only one thing, madam Orlova, if you aren't afraid of opposition while it is being sticked into the mud by Dzerzhinsky's division or in open dialogue? Perhaps we will meet intimately, madam Orlova, and will talk in some talk show? You won't get afraid of me there? Ok - we have agreed! - Really, whether it is necessary to be afraid of opposition which it is possible, without being afraid of the law, to beat like Nazis did? I am curious - if at least one observer of OSCE will sign a note of protest about it? "Law" protectors take grasped citizens into the buses at first, where they brutally beat them (as long as it's possible to understand from messages of victims) trying to cause brain concussion and only then they take them into usual Z-cars which carry detained people to police stations. In other way it is called "innovative practice of double beatings" - because the beatings continue in these Z-cars as well. That day Churov in his turn became the wizard, Mitya-president told him about it with admiration. On Tuesday Churov reported the president Dmitry Medvedev about the results of elections of deputies of the State Duma after processing of almost 100% of bulletins. In answer Medvedev thanked the head of the Central Electoral Commission for work and named it "almost the wizard". Besides, Medvedev stated his opinion on videos which flooded the Internet with evidences of infringements on elections: "Just cries could be heard there". Here you are - requirements of cancellation of the results of roguish elections reaching not only from Mayakovka, but also from Rostov-on-Don, from Leningrad and many other cities of raw empire into which his patrons transformed the USSR are not clear for this servant of God?! Water-cannons and bulldozers, buses for tortures, armies in Moscow as in 1991 year are, certainly, signs of successfully passed and the most democratic in the history of "democratic Russia" elections. Dear Russians, wizard Churov will teach you absurdity. You will hear not only such things. Actually the power aspiring to make everything to luster - has already deprived itself of legitimacy. After all there's always one truth - and if to trust in everything to such guys as Churov, possibly, it's not so far to paradise as to Z-car. By the way, if Churov hasn't heard the slogan: "Welcome to have a shave", after all it's not customary to stay on Lubyanka with such beards... However, he is the wizard, it's too early for him to think about it, let him go to sleep - not in police station as Anatoly Baranov. All is fair in this the most stable Russia... everyone has what is has. Only where is the judge-people?
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