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20 dec 2024 |
We Have Not Tandem, We Have Trio: Putin, Medvedev, Zyuganov
Vasily Nekrasov
Judging by information impact of the paid trolls in Internet and by leading articles of Zyuganov's newspapers, Gennady Andreevich right after December, 4th will enter the Kremlin in shining armor. In cine budenovka and with Mauser as he is represented in party propaganda materials.
Sometimes "the main oppositionist of the country" is permitted to lean back in the chair, to express irreconcilability and to throw several angry words about unacceptability of a course into the weights. I recollect funny story of reorganization times when Gennady Andreevich struggled for national happiness being the deputy manager of the Ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU which was headed then by "the architect of ruins", a member of the Political bureau, academician Jakovlev A.N. The factory manager calls personnel officer and orders: "I am asked to make report at the session of the executive committee. Prepare my opinion about work with our juveniles by 16 o'clock". Here we have the same: Gennady Andreevich's "opinion" on all thorny questions is forged in the same offices on Old Square where he sat in the Soviet years. Only now his opinion is prepared by respectful Vladislav Yurevich. Obviously he also defines a vector of his irreconcilability at the current moment. For example, on October, 23rd we mark 9 years from the date of seizure of the theatre on Dubrovka by the Chechen people headed by Baraev. About 1000 spectators and actors of musical "Nord-Ost" appeared to be hostages. Have you noticed that, as always, these days there are no memorable actions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, no loud statements? You have noticed? It is good. Tomorrow, on October, 26th, - the 9th anniversary of worthless "liberation" as a result of which 128 spectators died from suffocating gas. Why Gennady Andreevich is silent? Whether May be because he doesn't want to rub salt in the wound of the former party fellow comrade Putin whom already then mass-media accused of organization of the performance of seizure and death of not guilty people? I think - it looks like that.
- Who gave the order to apply poison gas? - Why and following whose order criminal case on investigation of seizure was written off in archive? - Who were Baraev's helpers in Moscow and in power structures thanks to whom he freely prepared "act of intimidation"? For example, the Ministry of Interior then was headed by present moustached nurse of our deputies Mr. Gryzlov B.V. Why wasn't he interrogated and why did he remain on the post of the minister and even received the post of the speaker of the State Duma and chief member of "United Russia"? What are you talking about! Gennady Andreevich is not interested in all this. With persistence of the maniac he drags people to the elections on December, 4th, though their outcome is not only predetermined but has been already pre-predetermined. Why does he call people to participate in buffoonery and thus deceives them by talking about "nationalization" and "socialism"? I received interesting answer to these questions from one Internet-blogger. I quote - to keep author's style: " ... The basic source of financing of the Duma parties are means of the federal budget. So for last 2010 161 million from 210 million roubles which arrived to the treasury of such fighters with antinational mode as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were received from the federal budget. From 254 million roubles arrived in the account of "Fair Russia" budgetary funds made 107 million. In LDPR the sum of the general and budgetary financing makes 115 and 113 million roubles accordingly. Well and, of course, over all these millions of budget money we can see the mountain of the state financing of the "party of swindlers and thieves" in the sum of 894 million roubles earned by us. According to aforementioned Federal Law № 95 "state financing of the political parties which took part in elections..., is carried out ... annually in the sum of 20 roubles increased by a number of votes received by the federal candidates list put forward by political party ...". http://www.shturmnovosti.com/view.php?id=23184
Here you are, my friends, the matter! Here you are secret springs of appeals "Vote for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation!"
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