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20 dec 2024 |
Third Person in the Country Is Being Kicked Out from His Chair as a Shot
The speaker of the Federation Council Sergey Mironov was sent formal notice on the start of process of his recall from the upper chamber, the head of executive committee of Petersburg branch of "Edinaya Russia" Dmitry Yurev informed "Interfax" on Wednesday. Speaker Mironov informed that the question on his recall from the upper chamber of the Russian parliament will be considered by Legislative Assembly of St.-Petersburg on May, 18th. "The speaker of the Federation Council, the leader of "Fair Russia" Sergey Mironov has just acted with initiative about fight against corruption - introduction of presumption of guilt of officials - and was kicked out from power as a shot", - the deputy of the State Duma Ilya Ponomarev writes in LJ. "The essence of Mironov's proposal was the following, - the deputy writes further, - official should report on his property and property of his relatives, to prove his legality. The Kremlin reacted to that offer sharply: "Mironov's words are "populism and desire to draw attention to the party headed by his". Besides - Mironov's offer is "obviously unacceptable", it contradicts 49th article of the Constitution which establishes presumption of innocence for all citizens of the country. In spite of the fact that, as you know, there is in the Kremlin a set of various groupings struggling for influence and protesting initiatives of each other, in that question they appeared to be unanimous. Punishing hand overtook Mironov shortly. Having understood what he had done, Mironov tried to jump from the train. In two days after scandalous meeting with Putin he declared: "As legislator and citizen I don't suggest to cancel presumption of innocence for officials". But it was already late. In two weeks after the statement he was dismissed from a post of the chairman of "Fair Russia". Authorities care not a snap on the way it looks - while it looks absolutely unequivocally. We are stupid cattle". It's senseless to argue with Ilya Ponomarev in this case - so it is. Though here we have circumstances of the case. We perfectly well remember whence "Serega-commando" appeared. We perfectly well remember that balancing on the verge of passage to the Duma "Fair Russia" was called abusive names as it became "communal grave" of at once two successful oppositional projects - "Native Land" and the Party of Pensioners absorbed by comical "Party of Life". To consider FR as something attractive to the Russian policy is possible only in conditions of absence of choice which is actually being observed. Well, as to Mironov... Clown - what else could be said... Now we have such policy that both chambers of the parliament should be headed by "carpet clowns". Petrushka and Pierrot. But for world public opinion Putin would close both these foolish chambers long time ago, wouldn't carry out any elections, would appoint himself the director of the Russian Federation with unlimited term and volume of powers, there would be no need to arsing about with Dima, with reports of the government - reports to Federal Reserve System and IMF would be enough. But - order is order. If "senior companions" demand - here you are democracy. Let's place one Serega in the upper chamber and other Serega - in the lower. Let's give you Churov who would make it the way you desire because twice two is not obligatory four. Ponomarev tells the truth - such Serega if he suddenly will talk nonsense or, say, pronounce some indecent sounds, or go not the way he should - could be kicked out at any time and absolutely without consequences. Who would care? Unless party would stand up? Well, the party also can be easily kicked out - many of them have already become history. One will fail to count. By the way, it is possible to substitute this Serega by other Serega - by the way, it's the most widespread man's name in our country. It is possible to find even also commando. It's possible to appoint deaf-mute that he would keep silent all time and seem to be clever. Though former Serega - who didn't fit - actually told no nonsense. He just blurted out what is possible to do with corruption as it's already done in all normal countries long time ago. Though - it's impossible to have in our country what other country have, in our country it's all different. In our country the law about responsibility of power before people is extremism. By the way, it is le that the Office of Public Prosecutor will think and admit the requirement to declare expenses extremism also. It is necessary to tell that in our country the words "to live beyond the means" already had rather distinct judicial prospect. Therefore, by the way, people whose incomes had not quite fair origin tried to hide them, not to show off. It could have become interesting whence modest warehouseman with the salary of 85 roubles has car "Volga" and former general summer residence. He for sure would be exposed and imprisoned - at the best as plunder of the sum more than 80 thousand roubles leads to sole penalty. That is to death. If it is clear now why children of high-ranking officials in Soviet time didn't override grannies on pedestrian crossings and didn't waste for one night sums which ordinary citizen had no possibility to earn for the whole year. Even if he had something to waste and the car to override. Today the student goes to the university by "Porsche Cayenne" and all know - his daddy is customs general or the chief of some department in ministry. At that nobody would even dare to think that his daddy's salary for 5 years still will not be enough to buy such "Porsche". Whence the man has summer residence on Rublevka with columns and furniture as the Bourbons had? He is the general of FSB! The fact that the general's salary will be enough to buy only a toilet bowl from this summer residence - nobody can reveal. Because all do the same - either the public prosecutor, or the judge, or the general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I don't speak about ministers and governors - there people deal in big money as if it were coins. While one can't ask questions! At that - who could ask questions? Whether Putin would ask Medvedev: "Dima, whence you got money to build crystal columns in your apartment?" The last would answer: "Who is the owner of a palace in Praskoveevka? If it's nobody's?" Generally the general public prosecutor should ask but he already asked recently who the owner of a casino in Moscow region is? It appeared - the regional public prosecutor... It looks as if he would postpone other questions for a while. The voter, of course, can express somehow his attitude to such lay of things on elections. But here we have Churov who knows that twice two is not four, everything is smooth if it has relation to figures providing "Еdinaya Russia" constitutional majority. Perhaps some opposition will help? Here you can see that "Fair Russia" which is usually morning-after is considered as opposition already helped Serega-commando to leave the chair. Who in general will trample against the custom not simply to live beyond the means but also to show off in every possible way? May be Zyuganov? Or Zhirinovsky who even to meetings comes on "Maybach"? I will not continue further, further we have pure extremism. Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk
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