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12 jan 2025 |
Revolution in Russia Is Inevitable
Leonid Ivashov
Shocks in the Near East are quite natural. The reason is that Arabian world lags behind universal tendencies of development in sociopolitical structure. Today separate states are not capable to resist to the international oligarchy and transnational community. Therefore they unite within the limits of ethno-cultural civilizations such as, for example, Europe, Latin America, China or India. However Islamic world is separated, the more so its Arabian kernel and 21st state which as a matter of fact aren't captured in any way by uniform political, social and economic space. Each Arabian state uses economic model but the general situation is catastrophic. Cumulative gross national product of the countries of Arabian world is approximately equal to gross national product of Spain, far not the richest European country. Arabian states annually invest approximately 10-12 billion dollars into own region. Resources for one and a half trillion dollars are invested outside, first of all into the western countries. That is, Arabian world turns into the serving region. At that if earlier they served only the West, today also the East. Social niches are corked. Thirty- and forty-year board of the same people creates pyramid, which top is occupied by close relatives, under them are distant ones, then relatives of relatives and so on. Kaddafi has eight sons and each of them has the same small pyramid. If you don't enter this clan, or Mubarak's clan, you have no prospects. Add here backwardness in education, culture and science - for example, the quantity of scientists in the Arabian world is three time less than both in the West and in the East. Therefore such strategic backlog demands revolutionary intervention to give impulse to unification and development of the Arabian world. In Russia situation is much more difficult. Revolution here is inevitable. It will be an attempt to find own future and course for development which will keep Russia as uniform state and Russians and other first peoples - as national-social formation. At present course and mode Russia has no future. Catastrophe is ahead - split and country disintegration, leaving of the Russian world from historical arena. These are objective data - when today you look through the state statistics, hair curls. Approximately hundred millions Russians, thus 23 million drunkards, 6 million addicts, 6 million sick of AIDS, 4 million prostitutes. We have the highest percent of unsuccessful families, 640 divorces per one thousand marriages. Revolutionary changes are simply necessary. Let's hope that they pass peacefully. What now occurs in the Near East gives grounds to speak about our degradation. Yes, Mubarak, Kaddafi and others stole, became rich, however, there never was such global plunder as we have now in Russia in the history of any state. Two oligarchic clans, privatizers of resources and officials suck people and country dry. Real incomes of the population in January in comparison with January of last year were reduced to 47%. Oil rises in price - gasoline rises in price in Russia. Oil becomes cheaper - gasoline all the same rises in price in Russia. Prices for foodstuffs and the rest constantly grow. Small group of imperious officials and guard oligarchs understand perfectly well that it's impossible to avoid revolution. Therefore they are in a hurry to exhaust all and to base their business on foreign structures. So that when they would be taken away actives to ask NATO to protect them. Today Europe in many respects depends on the Libyan oil. They see who will win, therefore refuse from Kaddafi and make advances to new forces. As both England and France supported the Libyan opposition for many years. Now they search for possibilities not only to keep but also to strengthen their positions in the Near East. Russia has no own Near-Eastern geopolitical project. We behave extremely inconsistently - we sign military agreements with Israel, we enter sanctions against Iran, irritating the Islamic world. Medvedev declares Kaddafi the criminal because he shot his people. At the same time monuments are erected to honour Yeltsin who shot own people and parliament. Such prostitution shows all cynicism of the present power. Showdowns in Russia will begin necessarily, thus they will be, unfortunately, much crueler - don't forget that the country is multinational. Читайте также:
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