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9 jan 2025 |
Federal State Statistics Service Told How Our Pockets Are Being Cleaned Out on the Carrot and Gasoline
Federal State Statistics Service publishes material "About Estimation of Consumer Price Index from September, 23 to September, 29, 2008" prepared on the base of weekly registration of consumer prices of 50 major names of the goods and services which is carried out on Mondays in 265 cities of Russia. For the period from September, 23 to September, 29, 2008 the consumer price index made 100,3%, from the beginning of the month - 100,8%, from the beginning of the year - 110,5% (in 2007 for September - 100,8%, from the beginning of the year - 107,5 %). In percents
For last week eggs rose in price more than everything else - on 4,5%. Prices for beef and hen grew on 0,7%, frozen fish, oil creamy, canned meat, salt, black beichao tea, separate kinds of sausages and confectionery products - on 0,4-0,6%. At the same time sugar became cheaper on 0,7%, millet - on 0,4%, flour - on 0,2%, sunflower oil - on 0,1%. In percents
From editorial board: Federal State Statistics Service marks that fruit-and-vegetable production on average fell in price on 0,8%, including carrot and onion - on 2,0% and 1,9% accordingly. Thus the prices for cabbage grew on 0,3%. The prices for motor gasoline and diesel fuel decreased on 0,2%. According to prequalification consumer price index on the goods and services for September can make 100,8%. We - as consumers of "fruit-and-vegetable production", undoubtedly, should worry how during the season of the harvest of vegetables carrot and onion managed "to fall in price" on 2% as prices for them in the last months simply went off scale - let's say, carrot at the price of 30 roubles in the very season - it's too much. Besides this very month rouble has strongly fallen in price in relation to a weakening and nothing to the provided with dollar, by virtue of this fact reduction in price on 2% of the carrot and onion is absolutely imperceptible. Well, how did prices for cabbage could grow in such a situation? In fact right now this valuable vegetable began to be used for salting by millions consumers. As I myself in the beginning of the week went on car from the Rostov area up to the very Moscow one and frequently stopped to talk to peasants selling harvest of own labour along a highway "Don" and to buy for myself fruits of the Russian land. So, I can declare officially: the price for agricultural products which manufacturers consider fair and sufficient for themselves (that is for which they sell in the Rostov area) are on average 5 times lower, than prices in shops of Moscow (at that not in the most expensive ones). At such trading margin which is established by exclusive structures engaged in buying up and realization of food stuffs, it's absolutely senseless to count percent a la Federal State Statistics Service. What one and a half - two percent they are talking about, when it's 5 times, that is! The same situation is with gasoline which, it's a clear thing, costs not little. How could prices for gasoline and diesel fuel decrease on 0,2%, if the world price for oil fell almost on 40%? While internal wholesale prices for crude oil in Russia fell even below, below a level of profitability - it's possible to explain such prices only by full monopolism and absence of any state regulation of this exclusive market. For illustration - prices for gasoline in the Rostov and Voronezh areas are approximately on 1 rouble cheaper, than in Moscow. How else it is possible to explain it except making of the retail price by "a method of picking one's nose"? It's not possible to explain it either by transport shoulder, or by cheapness of processing - only by a price policy. We are simply being plundered openly due to the absence of a political life in the country - that is due to impossibility for citizens in an orderly way to counteract expansionist policy of the state. The monopoly in politics gives rise to monopoly in economy. At the same time the country is being transformed into a stall. А.B. Читайте также:
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