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21 dec 2024 |
Sarah Palin as Maria Spiridonova for the American Revolution
Gaydar Dzemal
Unlike other countries of the West tradition of fire score-settling with each other between politicians still exist (to be more precise remained) in the USA. In this question America continues practice of imperial Russia where fractions in power organized impacts against leaders of hostile groupings by hands of extremist underground (it's enough to recollect Stolypin). This tradition is much better developed in America. Almost all American presidents became victims of attempts since Kennedy. Both Ford and Reagan received one-two bullets, though from small-caliber weapon. While all presidents in general were attempted. Besides, almost all politically active male part of Kennedy's family was killed. Such practice only underlines that public figures on the American political scene have deeply symbolical character. Mopping up of this or that politician is a signal sent by secret groups each other. Particularly in present case congresswoman Giffords is signal sent by elite club, conditionally called "Rockefeller group", to their opponents who can be named "Rothschild group". It is clear that Sarah Palin is false figure belonging to a category of "expendable material". She is "burned" and could be "tipped" without any regret. Though it is surprising how much demanded even that false figure as symbolical leader appeared to be. Sarah Palin became "assemblage point" for a set of rigid antidemocratic movements and initiatives in the USA. There's such an impression that all forces focused on Caesar's "conservative revolution" needed black and politically helpless but swaggerer democrat Obama to get mobilized, to make all compromises impossible. In passing I want to note that the American "conservative revolutionaries" took into consideration the Soviet experience: Michael Sergeevich also was pushed forward by people wanted radical stimulation of imperial organism through pushing away hated figure of "Chichikov-Hlestakov", however, it ended in camouflet of GKChP and pitiful collapse of all structure... Stylistic of processes going on now in the USA doesn't allow to hope for repetition of such remarkable outcome. Obama went off two trillion dollars on support of speculators. No new workplaces appeared as a result of these enormous expenditure. That's what republicans blame him for. The second claim - "reloading": Obama hasn't managed to prove till now that his protege Mr. Medvedev is independent of the Russian prime minister and is capable to pursue policy of "new way of thinking"-2. The American president has not enough time ahead for trying to prove the opposite thing as regards "reloading", in case of success he would only have a chance which he hasn't now. However Obama's problem in the supreme armchair of America actually has especially symbolical character. This symbol specifies that the republican system which has developed after Civil War today becomes obsolete (the same way as the republican system in Rome to the end of the first century before Nativity). The USA can't continue playing a role of global dictator, without having established dictatorship in own space legally. Much bigger part of way has been gone in this direction for last ten years in comparison with all time after 1864 but it's not enough. Refusal of pluralism and multiculturalism splinters is necessary. In Germany Merkel's statement about failure of multiculturalism and refusal of this policy testifies system crash of the European social democracy which was "in saddle" after 1945. It is one of symptoms of the American "conservative revolution" which involves political forces far outside of New World into its orbit. "Conservative revolution" in the USA has quite modern specificity - one shouldn't get too interested in seductive analogies to late antiquity! First of all, both Rockefeller group and Rothschilds represent two opposite wings of the world liberal club. Contradictions existing between them went to a level of open power conflict because of general crisis of liberalism which is perceived today thanks to propagation as "crisis in general". There are also outside of liberal club traditionalist club (which interests in world politics are presented now in very careful form by Vatican) and radical club which possesses the greatest human resource and the greatest political potential but is on the stage of registration and structurization.
For this very reason "Rockefellers" and "Rothschilds" are posing as global players who divide ALL political space of a planet (which is far from reality). "Rockefellers" incur protection of interests of industrial capital against banks and speculators-stockbrokers. Thus, they are occupied with creating of new workplaces, they support organized working class against lumpens and asocial elements - street muggers, they support religious traditions including religion at schools and, so, to some extend give hand to extra-liberal forces - traditionalists and even to some movements among radicals. Rothschild group directly associates itself with destiny of liberalism as that, it professes monetarism, recovers economy, printing "air", takes away labor savings from the proletarian to give social guarantees to jobless addicts, etc. Thus "Rockefellers" - conservative republicans - are today in States political successors of national socialism of 30-s', of course, in changed, moderate form released from "red" connotations form. Nevertheless, all the same it's political heritage of national socialism as party of unity of industrial capital and labor conservative part of the population. Not for nothing literarily black graduate of Harvard who now has to answer for all Bronxes, Brooklyns and Harlems of America became "black animal" representing liberal camp of "degradation, disintegration and larceny"... Читайте также:
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