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10 jan 2025 |
Reflections of Revolutionary Social-Democrat about National Assembly
Fedoseev Ilya
So, the Russian opposition has been already carrying new child - National assembly. Now, at the moment when I'm writing these lines up to the moment of "birth" hardly more than a month remains. But already today it is possible to state preliminary reasons. If this child will be viable? If he will survive, will avoid infantile death - whether he can achieve something? Let's start, perhaps, from apart. Conversations about "shadow government" have place in oppositional circles for alreasy many years. Gennady Semigin, as soon as I can recollect, even tried to realize the idea under disguise of "National Government". To tell you the truth, it turned out to be - enough to make a cat laugh. But, if to think it over, this idea - is absurd. What government is it which controls nothing and - it's clear to the meanest intelligence - will not control? Certainly, in the countries with parliamentary democracy creation of such governments has sense: say, if you will vote for us at elections, you will receive such structure of a cabinet. But what Russia has to do with it? Even if such government will be formed in Russia, reaction of the population is easy to predict: "Another government? What do we need it for, if we already have one?" Parliament - is different mattr. Now in Russia there is a government (the same way as the president, certainly), while there is no - parliament as the State Duma is definitely can't be regarded as the one. The parliament, namely a representative body is, if you could understand, such a thing which is engaged in coordination among themselves of interests of various classes and public layers. All the rest is on the second place. The parliament supports that social compromise on which the state order is based. In Russia which couldn't be easily understood everything is different. Here the Kremlin, operating formation and activity of the State Duma, behaves in such a way as if the country is occupied totally by state bureaucracy and large bourgeoisie integrated with it, focused on the world market (first of all we are talking about state corporations). It, it is necessary to recognize, is logical in its own way as only these people participate in the basic economic process of modern Russia - saturation of the world power market. Interests of all other social groups (here we mean not only hired workers but also, for example, fine and average bourgeoisie and intelligence too) are simply not taken into account - the mode gives the go - by. But they - no matter if it is pleasant to the Kremlin or not - exist, have and realize their interests and are going to assert them. There is a need in parliament - nature, as you know, abhors the vacuum. Well, if authority has not helped us to be organized, we shall make it by ourselves, without its assistance. National assembly is objectively necessary - and consequently it appears. In brackets it is possible to congratulate it with successfully chosen name - as you know, in some countries parliaments are called National Assemblies so here intentions and ambitions are designated clearly enough. The word "nation" is also successfully used. "People" - is indistinct concept, it can mean everything. While nation unequivocally is political phenomenon, set of citizens owning and managing the country. Analogy with National assembly of times of the Great French Revolution also inspires optimism. There is a quite logical question: if the National assembly is a representative body, whom it represents? However, the answer is on a surface - it represents politically active citizens being members and supporters of non-parliamentary parties and organizations. These are - people, ready to operate and change situation in the country (it's another question, in what direction). It's a minority, certainly - but active minority. It has at least the potential which is rather big. Here we come across the essence of a question. Parliament without authority - is not parliament but a party. It's possible to chat and discuss political questions at forums in the Internet - we, fortunately, live in a century of progress. It's a time now not to discuss but to solve these questions. Whether National assembly will apply for authority? If it will not (even not at once, in due course) - it means, its existence has no sense. It is not necessary to forget that it will be entered by people of completely various political views as, for example, communists and liberals. If they will not be incorporated by one aim - struggle for authority and change of socially political situation in the country - everything will inevitably end in habitual mutual fight. It's, possibly, cheerful and interesting occupation - but, alas, completely fruitless. So, to struggle for authority (or even for a share of authority - let Medvedev stay in the Kremlin but let he in his decisions considers our opinion) is necessary. Only how? Here it becomes clear that the fact of creation of National assembly promotes its further success. As you know, the majority of population of Russia is now politically passive. Certainly, both oil money and rather high in comparison with 90th years standard of living plays role... But it's not less important that policy in Russia is being completely supervised by the Kremlin. What's the use to participate in elections (to go to meetings, etc.), if you will not change anything doing it? It's different thing - if there will appear in the country a body, uncontrollable by authorities but thus expressing and agreeing among themselves interests of various public groups. I am hardly strongly mistaken, if I suppose, that in these conditions political activity of populace will increase and rather significantly. It means that sooner or later National assembly will receive authority - completely or partially. But - using violent way or not? It depends on how the Kremlin will behave. It will happen, certainly, not today and not tomorrow. But - it will take place. And then Russia will have parliamentarism - the first stage of revolution. Читайте также:
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