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30 dec 2024 |
150 Days and 15 Years of «New» Old Government of Jury Luzhkov
Alexander Krutov
Anniversaries - are always an occasion to sum up, to estimate results of work. So, what has changed in Moscow as in the city for residing? What problems have been solved and what have appeared? Whether there is a future of Moscow and its inhabitants?
1. The layer of radical Muscovites has practically disappeared for the last three five-year periods. Campaign on their dispersal on periphery of Moscow has begun earlier but it was during last decade when it has got menacing scales. The unique Moscow culture, customs, dialect, way of life is being washed away, there is no class of hospitable hosts therefore any inconsiderate visitor with money can consider himself a lord in this become unadopted city.
2. The myth about the capital as about multinational city grows strong and it is not mentioned even by chance that Moscow is - the center of Russian culture, the Native land of Russian people, the heart of Russia. At present authorities it will soon cease to be custodian of the Russian values. If not to restore the layer of Muscovites, not to revive the Russian culture, Moscow will turn to the mussy, wild megacity. Legal authority makes no decisions in it, in reality domination is carried out on territorial-ethnical feature, on city sectors, for example, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Vietnamese and so on, following the alphabet. Official authorities will talk about multinational city while young people get good penals for enkindling of nationalism.
3. The historical shape of the city has been destroyed, carriers of historical spirit of the city - ancient constructions - have been liquidated. For last decade Moscow has lost more of them, than during the World War II. New artificial, false houses which do Moscow indistinguishable from any megacity of Southeast Asia or the Near East appeared. Once there were in city seven hills and a hundred of small rivers and streams. Hills have been razed, streams have been dug... Historical landscape is replaced by a building site. Rivers, squares, parks being integral part of life of the city disappeared together with Moscow houses.
4. The enormous difference in incomes of Muscovites led to a split of a society. The most part of population - teachers, doctors, science officers, personnel of establishments, businessmen and many others - are absorbed by cares of survival, do not participate in public life and turn to "political poor" remote from authority. The smaller part of a society lives by principles of permissiveness when prestige, authority, the right to non-observance of laws, an opportunity to solve destiny of all Muscovites is bought. Scandalous disparity of incomes has sapped faith in democracy.
5. Moscow is - a city of foreign financial capital which grows on the Moscow ground destroying cultural-fertile layer. Foreign money, foreign houses, foreign problems, foreign people. The private capital has destroyed the Moscow community, has brought the spirit of predators, has deformed human relations. Globalization of the capital gradually completes spiritual destruction of the city.
6. Development of degradation types of manufacture characterizes modern shape of Moscow. Authorities of city approve that they create modern industrial lines meeting the demands of the world standards. In reality the conveyor of the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries is being restored, for example, at a factory «Renault-Autoframos» (former PA "Moskvich"). At other enterprises products which were produced twenty years ago by machine tool with numerical program management, now are produced by the Gastarbeiter. Such industry destroys everything human in a man, doesn't give opportunity to realize his creative demands. Instead of a synthesis of physical and mental work there is returning to its archaic division. As a result morbidity of the Muscovites caused both by mental strain and absence of physical exercises becomes significantly higher.
7. Moscow has turned into the center of ecological crisis. Eternal fog is under the city. Mountains of garbage which is produced by population, visitors, enterprises, transport grow around Moscow.... Authorities cannot understand that all the goods after their consumption should be transformed into primary raw material instead of going to a dump. If not to stop ecological crisis, the city very soon will appear at the bedding of a crater which throws out magma of dust all round.
8. Moscow - is a city of poor management. Huge money resources go on repeated reconstruction of fences which are not necessary to anybody, transplanting of trees and bushes which nobody waters, servicing of systems of housing and communal services which is in Moscow a source of corruption. The city is characterized by deadlock transport policy, knocked down local self-management, huge army of officials, etc.
9. As a result Moscow has turned into the city inconvenient for living where it's convenient to launder money, to make doubtful transactions, to sale parties, leaders, national and religious policy, to interfere with another's problems, to solve destiny of regions... Thus Moscow became inconvenient for living: inconvenient transport and turnstiles in it, inconvenient passes between fences and transitions above the highways, inconvenient lay-out of court yard. Inhabitants are compelled to spend a great lot of time for wandering from one official to another or to give them bribes to solve all vital problems. In Moscow you get tired of abundance of persuasive advertising and unnecessary offices when you search for information or city office. There are no visitors in numerous expensive drugstores, restaurants, boutiques, interiors on sale of gold, furs... Rest in the city frequently does not satisfy the needs of a person and develops unhealthy way of life, unnatural, low, animal needs, however, it gives profit to its organizers.
It's present authorities of Moscow that made Moscow such a city. Moscow turned into unadopted city which could be ruined only due to the fact that nobody wants to defend it.
Whether we need such authorities? Читайте также:
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