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21 dec 2024 |
Dick Advocaat "Has Eaten Up" Vaccine for 14 Million Children
New head coach of the Russian national team Dick Advocaat who signed 4-year contract with RFU will receive €11 million annually, "Izvestia" informs. It's interesting to know what the basis for such salary is? Average salary in Russia does not correspond to expected incomes of the main instructor of our eternally losing football players. During the interview with journalists after press conference of the new head coach of the Russian national team Dick Advocaat in the House of football, as well as the day before in Rostov-on-Don president of the RFU Sergey Fursenko refused to name the salary of the instructor, probably, believing that such figure would not add popularity to all government which member Mr Fursenko is. However the figure all the same appeared in press. Formally "Russian Football Union" which is as though on public principles being headed by minister Fursenko, obviously, to spread a part of its huge popularity among people on football is public organisation. That is it can do what it wants, if it does not break directly legislation. If it wants - it will appoint such salary to the head coach that all western head coaches will fight in hand-to-hand to head football team of the Russian Federation. However RFU doesn't receive enough money from own activity to bear considerable expenses of organisation and to help Russian football Mr. Fursenko involves sponsors - for example, "Gazprom" which position now is not so good as to be engaged in charity, after all there are obligations of this Russian joint-stock company before budget. One can find among sponsors "Rosgosstrakh", this fact should make its clients feel discomfort - how are their insurance payments being spent? There is also "Megaphone" - whether it's not the reason why we pay so much for calls if it is necessary to help financially Dick Advocaat and others? Whether it is not too much for not too rich country with rather poor population to buy such remarkable and expensive coaches? It's clear that sponsorship removes from a part of tax burden from the company - that is money spent on football (to pay for import coaches, legionaries, officials, etc.) does not go to the budget (to doctors, teachers, miners, military, to pensioners, children). All for the sake of very strangely understood "prestige" of the country and appease of football fans the number of which, certainly, is quite big but in any way it's not the majority of population of the country. All citizens pay for "prestige" and pleasure. On my soul! Whether we need football on TV and at the stadium with beer? It's necessary on football ground where quick men kick the ball about every Saturday till old age but there is no Dick Advocaat there with his 11 "large ones" euro, no Negroes fantastically kicking the ball. This pleasure in general costs nobody anything. What about supermatches of our "superleague" somewhere in Saratov where stadium for 40 thousand is hardly filled by fifth? Here you are very concrete example. Three children who came to Moscow region from Tajikistan are ill with the poliomyelitis. The Minister of Health of Moscow Region Vladimir Semenov informed the journalists about it today. The minister informed that by data of yesterday evening, there were 12 children with parents in hospitals of Domodedovsky, Chekhovsky and Podolsk areas, they gave tests which were directed to institute of poliomyelitis and other laboratories. According to Semenov, "such express analyses were received from four children - in three cases the result of analysis on poliomyelitis presence was positive". The minister noticed that the data was preliminary and required further acknowledgement. In case of acknowledgement of the disease children should be sent back to Tajikistan. The cost of one dose of vaccine - 270 roubles (at the present exchange rate it's almost 9 dollars). That is it's possible to vaccinate against poliomyelitis approximately 14 million children - that is all children not only in Tajikistan but also in all Central Asia - using one salary of Dick Advocaat. For many years there will be no terrible threat of epidemic of poliomyelitis! Do you understand? For one salary of Dick Advocaat! Instead, if it will be found out that children are ill, for the sake of economy they will not be treated in Russia, they will be sent home to die where there's simply no possibility to be treated. That is we strengthen and aggravate the poliomyelitis centre in the Central Asia to have this threat therefrom for ever. The threat is real, as very big percent of already our, Russian children has been never vaccinated at all, thus they don't have immunity against poliomyelitis. So, we calculated, estimated. What's next? Ole-ole-ole-ole, Russia, go ahead? Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Читайте также:
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