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21 dec 2024 |
Rehearsal of "Nuclear Winter" in Europe and America
Air communication in many countries of Europe is almost completely broken as a result of volcano eruption in Iceland. Prohibition of flights can be prolonged at least for two days. It is expected that half of transatlantic flights will be cancelled in the near future. In the European Union countries the day before more than 5 thousand flights were delayed or cancelled. Air space was completely closed for flights by Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland and Sweden. It is not excluded that consequences of eruption for flight connection can last several months - everything will depend on the intensity and duration of the eruption.
The cloud of ash formed as a result of eruption of volcano situated near to the Iceland glacier Ejjafjallajekjul in 200 km to the east from Reykjavik has already covered Britain, a number of countries of continental Europe, Scandinavia, Finland and northwest regions of Russia.
Volcanic ash is dangerous to planes as the smallest particles present in it are capable to muffle engines. According to representative of the European agency on control of air traffic Eurocontrol Bryan Flynn, the cloud remains very dense and is moved to the east extremely slowly because of low wind weather.
France closed 24 airports in the north of the country, including the Parisian airport Ruassi named after Charles de Gaulle whereas they closed airports of Berlin and Hamburg.
There are messages that flight connection in Spain, Poland and Portugal is also seriously broken.
It's declared in Britain that interdiction of flights is prolonged, at least, till 7.00 p.m. on Friday, however, interdiction indulgences are possible in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
As flight services inform, there would be exceptions for flights only in emergency situations.
The day before the prime minister of Russia Vladimir Putin had to cancel a trip to Murmansk because of danger of occurrence of emergency situations.
According to the Russian mass media, the Russian airlines cancel flights to Europe, in particular, to London.
In the meantime, volcano eruption in Iceland becomes more and more intensive. Thousand hectares of earth to the east from crater are covered by a thick layer of ash.
In the meantime, volcano eruption in Iceland becomes more and more intensive. Thousand hectares of the earth to the east from a crater are covered by a thick layer of ashes. To 7.30 of Friday morning cloud of ash from volcano thrown up in Iceland has reached territories of Latvia, to 8.00 a.m. ash clouds have covered territory of all Latvia and moves further to the east. In essence, eruption of large volcano which is accompanied by emission of a large quantity of volcanic ash models situation of so-called "nuclear winter" - global climate change after nuclear war when clouds of dust and ash will make atmosphere of the earth opaque to solar beams for long period that will bring to the death of a great number of plants, animals and people.
Information: Iceland is one of the most active in the volcanic relation places in the world. For last millenium Iceland endured on the average one eruption of volcano each 5 years. The most terrible accident occurred in 1783. There was a monstrous volcanic explosion on the island. Volcano activity had been lased 6 months during the period from January till June, 1783 and carried away almost 20000 lives, more than third of population of Iceland died. On June, 11th, 1783 volcanic mountain blew up with awful roar and splitted having formed a 24-kilometre cleft. Powerful stream of lava pulled out. Some rivers dried up within several hours. Lava streams which width reached 60 metres rushed instead of water along the channels of rivers. Lava rushed to the sea. Having reached water lava transformed it into the steam. Fish in radius of several kilometres was destroyed. Ash filled the air and eclipsed daylight. Pastures stretched for 80 kilometres were poisoned. Within next two years the most part of livestock of Iceland died. Volcanic ash destroyed fish and crops of grain. Many people died of hunger.
There was catastrophic eruption of volcano Krakatau in 1883 on the Indonesian archipelago. It was situated on a small island with the same name in a passage between large densely populated islands Sumatra and Java. On August, 26th at 1.00 p.m. glasses in windows of houses on the neighbouring islands rattled from the first explosions of Krakatau. Soil cracks dispersed in all directions from volcano. At 2.00 p.m. huge cloud which reached the height of 27 kilometres rose over Krakatau. That dreadfully magnificent picture was observed from ships and islands of Java and Sumatra situated tens kilometres away. At once after a sunset deep gloom established. Deaf sounds were audible. The roar was heard from the depth of mountain Krakatau. Bright lightnings sparkled every minute. Explosions and roar was heard all night long till morning of August, 27th. Housed on neighbouring islands were destroyed from tremors. There was such a tremendous roar hears on the distance of 160 kilometres - on Java and Batavia - that everybody woke up. By the morning of August, 27th, 1983 rehearsal of accident which shook all world ended and the time of the main action came. About 10 o'clock in the morning enormous explosion occurred. At 10.54 a.m. there was the second huge explosion of the same force. Grandiose eruption smashed volcano Krakatau to pieces. More than 18 cubic kilometres of fragments and ash shot up into atmosphere after explosion. Gases, steams, ash and fragments of breeds lifted to the height of 70-80 kilometres and dissipated on the area about 3,8 million square kilometres. All night long from August, 27th to August, 28th explosions proceeded but their force weakened. Outer darkness fell on the area of Krakatau having dipped the territory in radius of more than 400 kilometres into the early night. Eruptions came to the end on February, 20th, 1884. As a result of eruptions the most part of island Krakatau disappeared. Caldera was formed on a place of the island - huge volcanic funnel with diameter of 3 kilometres and depth of 300 metres. Tsunami fell upon the coast of Java and Sumatra. The wave partially or completely destroyed 295 settlements. The height of waves of tsunami reached З6 metres. Many islands disappeared under water together with population. Almost two and a half thousand of the workers of stone quarry which was situated at the height 4б metres above sea level died. The German military ship was picked up by tsunami and thrown inland almost for З kilometre. The ship landed in the wood at height of 9 metres above sea level.
Tsunami caused by explosion reached height 30-35 metres on coasts of Java and Sumatra and 1 metre on coast of the South America. It was also fixed near the coast of France. Along all coast of Indian Ocean waves which extended also across all Pacific Ocean were observed, they even reached west costs of America. Tsunami caused by explosion of Krakatau was so powerful that it bypassed all planet. Coasts of Sumatra and Java were transformed beyond recognition. Fertile soil was washed off up to the rocky basis on the coast of Soenda strait. Rich tropical vegetation disappeared completely everywhere where only there were sea waves. The roar of pernicious eruption of volcano Krakatau of August, 27th, 1883 was the loudest sound which was ever heard by mankind. The eruption roar was audible also in the city of Manila being distant from Krakatau on 2 thousand kilometres and also in the Central Australia on a distance of 3600 kilometres and on island Madagascar (4775 kilometres from Krakatau). After volcanic explosions of Krakatau dust clouds were noted over Europe, Northern and South America, Hawaii and Australia. Level of solar radiation decreased by 20-30% and remained such during next 2-3 years after eruption and absolute values of world temperatures went down almost by one degree of Celsius.
Unusual purple declines caused by turbidity of atmosphere by volcanic dust were observed in Paris, Sydney and San Francisco within several months. In some places of the Earth the Sun seemed dark blue and the Moon brightly green.
Similar explosions occurring in centres of a terrestrial civilisation affect destinies of mankind in the catastrophic way. Mankind history stores examples of similar accidents. WE are talking now about grandiose explosion of volcano Santorin in 1400 B.C. in Mediterranean Sea.
In 1400 B.C. there was a grandiose explosion of volcano Santorin in Mediterranean Sea as a result of which caldera with area of 83 square kilometers was formed. Thickness of volcanic adjournment at the bottom of volcano makes from 30 to 65 metres. In 30 kilometres from volcano thickness of volcanic adjournment made 5 metres, in 200 kilometres - 2 metres. 72 cubic kilometres of material were extorted at explosion. It's almost four times more than at explosion of volcano Krakatau. The area grasped by intensive ash fall exceeded 200000 square kilometres. Eruption was accompanied by catastrophic tsunami. It was the cause of decline of Minoan civilisation.
This highly developed civilisation because of its main centres - island Crete and the city of Mycenae situated on the continent - received the name Cretan-Mycenaean. According to archaeological signs Mycenaean eruption of volcano Santorin occurred during the period between reigns of Pharaohs Tutmos III and Amenhotep IV. Blossoming of Cretan power was replaced by decline. Once blossoming settlements disappeared from the face of the Earth. Settlements of Crete were covered with a thick layer of ash. Destruction after Santorin's catastrophe were even more grandiose, than after catastrophic explosion of Krakatau. Traces of Santorin's ash and pumice are found in coastal zones of the North Africa and Asia Minor. Supposition that eruption of Santorin destroyed Atlantis is only a part of intriguing history. Important iconographic scenes have as the source catastrophic eruption of Santorin, for example, a plot about "Egyptian Darkness". After huge explosion concentration of gases in atmosphere was so high that ash clouds eclipsed the sun. Darkness caused by volcanic cloud fell on Egypt and east part of Mediterranean Sea. Taking into account that after eruption of volcano Krakatau full darkness kept 22 hours on a distance up to 200 kilometres, it is quite probable that darkness over Egypt kept not less than three days after Santorin's eruption. Читайте также:
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