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20 dec 2024 |
Secret "Organizational Board" Decided to Keep Aside of Basanets
Organizational Board of Regional Public Organization "Veterans of External Investigation" (we do not know what type of structure it is and what its duties powers are chief editor) decided "resolutely to keep separate" from Paul Basanets's performance before veterans. It is quite expected reaction, only condemning P.Basants in expressions which vividly remind that irrevocably sunk time when basants-followers directly from ceremonial meetings were sent to a cellar being nearby and nothings said about organizational conclusions. Apparently, orgburea doesnt have power to expel somebody from organization otherwise they would start from it. Vainly "orgburea" worries and about reputation of service - such applications and such people as Basanets are not being discredit but, on the contrary, show that the fair and independently thinking officer - is not only decembrist Pestel or lieutenant Schmidt but there are still some among our contemporaries. While "organizing committees" which even dont havecourage to keep silent decently they necessarily need "to cauterize, be noted discredit service in opinion of people. For some reason officers today do not demand each other for satisfaction and charge questions of honor and reputations to different "organizing committees". Earlier they were called "personal commissions" the names are different while people, as a rule, are the same. However, we recite here the letter of "organizing committee" which was sent to editors office without corrections and changes. We pay attention only that there are no signatures under it in spite of the fact that people, obviously, retired from service long time ago. Well, its all right, deputy commanders bear no shame ... Chief editor of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov There Should Be No Lie, Provocations and Abuses in the Political Life of Our Country Considering a resonance, which was created around performance of P. Basanets at solemn assembly of Regional Public Organization "Veterans of External Investigation on December, 7th, 2006, Organizational Burea of Board ROO VVR considered it necessary to comment on the arisen situation. On a site of open electronic newspaper FORUM.MSK.RU was published the message about performance of a member of Committee of protection of the rights of citizens, the first secretary of Western district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of Moscow Paul Basanets who called himself the veteran of external investigation, at the solemn assembly of ROO VVR taken place on December, 7th, 2006 devoted to 86 anniversary of creation of external investigation of our country on December, 8th, 2006. The lie begins already from the heading of the material. The conclusion is false that "colleagues have supported Basanets" as what stands out for "stormy prolonged applause" on a course of performance, actually was slamming of an audience of the orator who was offending from a tribune everything and all. Besides there were heard numerous requirements to get away the orator from a tribune. The message about distribution among those who were present plentitude of leaflets with the text of performance of Basanets also doesnt correspond to the reality. One-legged way of illuminating the events draws attention. So, nothing is said that honoured and authoritative veteran of external investigation B.N.Batraev who served there little less than 50 years and received the state awards for reached results reacted to to the prepared beforehand Basanetss performance immediately under own initiative. Having agreed that in various areas of life of our country there are difficulties Batraev has fairly estimated them as difficulties of growth, in many respects predetermined by activity of a former management of Russia during 90th years. In stated by Basanets groundless criticism Batraev saw solidarity of Basanets with voices of ill-wishers of our country - both foreigners and our "refugees" of a type of B. Beresovsky and alike. Basanets calls to make things which can lead only to destabilization of conditions in Russia. Batraev expressed indignation of indecorous behaviour and Basanetss statements and after the speech of the honored veteran there were really applauses testifying the support of his words by absolute majority of the present. Personal contact of members of Organization Burea of Board with numerous participants of assembly in its informal part confirmed once again aversion and condemnation of Basanetss speech itself as well as of its content. As to the veteran-being of Basanets he used to work in investigation service only for 7 weeks but theres no reason to recollect something important about that period of his life. To ROO VVR he was accepted in the hope that his communication with older colleagues would help him to become true veteran. Unfortunately, they failed. Organizational Bureau of Board ROO VVR estimates actions of Basanets as planned political provocation pursuing the purpose of discredit of the veteran organization and Service of external investigation. On the sly having got on a tribune of assembly Basanets, breaking regulations of the Charter of the Organization and having trampled traditions established in ROO VVR put himself outside of collective of veterans and there could be found any place for him in future. For edification of those who will probably want to repeat Basanetss behavior, there sounded an announcement that ROO VVR was voluntary public non-political organization and notwithstanding the right of each its member as personality to support any permitted in our country political parties and organizations the tribune of ROO VVR cant be (and will not) used for political discussions and announcements. Organizational Bureau of Board ROO VVR 9th of December, 2006 In other::
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