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20 dec 2024 |
President of Ukraine Wishes to Dissolve Parliament
The conflict in the Ukrainian parliament can be solved by voluntary dissolution or exit from coalition of one of the political forces, president Victor Jushchenko declared on air of TV channel Inter. "To exit from this game fairly is possible using the first way - by voluntary dissolution of the Supreme Rada. That is what corresponds to the present Constitution and we could change this situation before elections and come to able-bodied parliament", - he considers.
"The country doesn't need idle parliament. It's too expensive show which is arranged by two forces", - the president underlined.
"The second - exit from coalition of some political force which will dare to incur responsibility for that shameful process which is going on in the Ukrainian parliament", - Jushchenko declared.
"It's true that there's a norm of the Constitution which says that early parliamentary elections are impossible half a year prior to elections (presidential) but if it's initiative of the president, while if it's the initiative of a member of coalition if it leaves coalition - it's absolutely possible thing", - he considers. Jushchenko also declared that "the president now does not have bases for parliament dissolution". "There were no bases to do it one month ago as well as two months ago... If there were such bases, I would not wait even 24 hours to realize this decision", - the head of the state said. "The conflict which exists lies on the shoulders of the prime minister and those political forces which declared creation of coalition of the majority which is not present", - the president declared. From editorial board: The first thing which follows from Jushchenko's words is that he is would dissolve parliament with all his pleasure, that he is thinking of it all the time but for some reasons cannot realize his desires. Earlier he managed somehow passed up from such plans - today he let it slip out.
We'd most like if to look into the eyes of those who when we warned the Ukrainian society that it's on the verge of dictatorship similar to Yeltsin's in 1993 asserted that we "heat up" and we serve someone's political interests. Though either earlier and now in this question we not interested only in interests of a civil society and nothing else inspire us.
The second thing: Jushchenko says that "... we could change this situation before elections and come to able-bodied parliament" - excuse me but how it could be done? We know what elections he means - presidential appointed on January, 17th of the next year. How Mr. Jushchenko intends to give Ukraine new capable parliament for 4 months? To carry out elections for a couple of months, including all procedures and actually election campaign?
There's only one answer - Jushchenko means early elections of the Supreme Rada with indispensable postpone of the date of presidential elections. Then everything's clear, Jushchenko with new parliament and postpone of elections receives improbable chance to become the president of Ukraine on-new. However, for this purpose it is necessary to make one simple thing - to dissolve Rada. Then parliamentary elections, of course, can be carried out next year and presidential elections will be postponed from the beginning of 2010 to the end - throughout all this time Jushchenko will govern Ukraine single-handedly. It practically without variants guarantees him re-election. There is, of course, a nuance - what political forces in the Ukrainian parliament is ready to become political kamikazes? Judging from the fact that earlier Jushchenko kept silent on this theme and now suddenly started talking - he had some negotiations. As always in Ukraine - without guarantees. But with firm intentions... President's Secretariat and Party of Regions in common prepare and try to play out scale swindle which consists in blocking at first parliamentary work and then dissolving of the Supreme Rada, the first deputy of the head of the fraction BJUT Andrey Kozhemjakin already declared. On belief of the deputy, "such almost spontaneous statements of the president and Victor Yanukovych are not casual". "There's an impression that Party of Regions and President's Secretariat created common campaign office", - he said. Vice-president of the fraction Litvin's Block in the Supreme Rada Oleg Zarubinsky considers that President Victor Jushchenko and Party of Regions carry on negotiations about parliament dissolution, "proUA" informs. "Synchronous actions and statements, simultaneous with Jushchenko's statements blockings. That is, it was full enough sync" serve as proof to that, Zarubinsky noted. А.B. Читайте также:
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