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14 mar 2025 |
Left Ideain XXI Centurе
D. Zikin
Past XX centure can be named a centure of the great hopes and great disappointemnts. The Russian October Revolution of 1917 led to an appearence of a system alternative to global capitalism. Principally new social system was created which aim of existance was announced realisation of the ancient dream of the mankind for building of kingdom of justice on the Earth. Having rejected principle "man is wolf to a man", having made a rate not on a concrete struggle of the individuals but on cooperation, surplussing of efforst of the whole society for the achivement of mutual aims the Few years was enough that tens millions of arogant people found themselves to be involved into magnificent programms on liquidation of illiteracy, training and retraining of the staff, mastering of advanced technologies. In recently retarded, ruined by wars country in the face of super modern branches of econogemicsappeared. In the shortest time the AT the time the whole Western world fell into the deepest crisis, felt real attack of the reactionary character and obscurantism which became evident in the bloom of facist regimes cultivated mythical practice of pagan cults, propogated chauvinism, racism and xenophobia. Ideological struggle of two principally different points of view on the world order ended to the most bloody and destroying war of 1939-1945. The victory of the Naturally, liquidation of socialism was accompanied by purposeful ruin of education, science and general systematic deintellectualization. Fadening of the Soviet project was conditioned by actual rejection of the leadership of the Analyses which made Soviet elite to betray the left ideals is above the limits of this article, however, the ruin of the socialism in the USSR can not be regarderd as the bancrupcy of the left pregressive idea. Nowdays, at the beginning of XXI centure, after 15 years of decline the left idea turns out to be in demand that is proved by the political practice of the countries of 1. Experience of the 2. The most effective method of involvement of populace into intellectual process is the creation of fashion for the intellect. Here the experience of the 3. One should be aware that in the near future it wont be possible to build social system exclusively on high-tech labour. Classical branches of economics will be still kept. Besides far from all people by virtue of their abilities and bents are ready to be involved in high-skilled activities. That means that the problem of confrontation of mental and physical labour will appear inevitably. One should in no circumstances repeat the negative Soviet experience when this problem was tried to solve by supplying of wide populace with ungrounded social guarantees which ended in parasitism, spreading of consumer psychology, lowering of the level of working ethics and the strike on the prestige of high-skilled labour. The state should solve social problems by the creation of conditions in which a man who is ready to work has possibility to provide himself with the income level not lower then the cost of living. But that doesnt mean that the state should organize false working places which will be a veiled mean of social granting and social parasitism. To summarize that was said it is possible to give a short definition of the left idea of XXI century. Left idea is - one time "YES" and two times "NO": 1. YES to integral intellect 2. NO to social segregation 3. NO to parasitism Following given fundamental principles opens before the society a number of unique possibilities thus increasing sharply its competitiveness. Though, development of science intensive technologies is widely spread also in the countries of the golden milliard, however, the policy of social segregation which is conducted by the elites of these countries appears to be a stop which doesnt let the societies of even the most developed technologically countries step into principally new, more progressive condition. Creation of the school of two corridors, conscience moronisation of the populace, dispersion of social energy in the artificially provoked social conflicts here you are no the full list of the instruments with the help of which elites of the most developed countries keeps their status. The mighty of the world are afraid of competition with more talented representatives of the wide populace thats why they try to eliminate the competitor in the bud by depriving him of possibility to get necessary luggage of knowledge and skills. As a result the intellectual potential of people finds out to be in the significant degree suppressed. On the contrary, the left idea incompatible with any forms of social racism allows realizing to the full possibilities which the society potentially possesses. Intellect is unpredictable as soon as the scientific search aiming to solve some definite task quite often leads to absolutely unexpected discoveries. Unpredictability is important competitive advantage that lets to create that reality of the future to which is better prepared the one who makes a discovery. The one who constantly looks round to the countries which are in the current moment more successful is destined to the constant lag, to the constant second place. Its impossible to push ahead only copping somebodys success as soon as its a life according to the strangers rules. The first prize is for the one who not plays better but for one who establishes the rules of the game. The one who realize the left idea on practice is the one who established new rules of the game according to which the whole world of XXI century will live.In other::
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