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22 dec 2024 |
Pseudo Innovations As the Threat to the National Security of Russia
Oleg Sergeev
He did it! The decree of the President of the Russian Federation armed the country with Strategy of National Security. With the document a century late with definition of technological safety, intermediate term prospect of innovative and industrial policy of the Third millennium. Skilled chess players have an opinion: it is impossible to win the party, if not to rectify a mistake made in its debut. It's not the fault of the system which even today is the source of objective data that the management of the USSR overslept scientific and technological revolution of 60th years of last century having developed system of scientifically-technological forecasting. Wish to form anew forecasting system to prove "realisation of scientific and technological priorities" (they often happen to be false) means to finish with rudiments of "national innovative system of highly effective projects and priority programs of hi-tech economy" by expansion of sale of the Russian production. Historical backlog in "the subsequent technological structure" as the threat to national security doesn't boil down to import deliveries of scientific equipment, component base and materials, unapproved transfer of domestic technologies abroad, sanctions in relation to the Russian legal and physical persons carrying out scientific and educational activity. Thus regulatory base, motivation, social security of technical, professorial and teaching staff, quality of education always reflected old technological state of things. These barriers cannot be overcome by administrative shake-up of the state scientific and scientifically-technological organisations in hope to provide competitive advantages of national economy and defence. The property and the size of the establishment never were the catalyst of scientific thought. As well as possibility to destroy innovative centres recognized in the world, their schools of thought, subjects and traditions by pure expression of will under the banner of integration. Components of technological standard of knowledge and experience, which product - innovations, serve as the development moment of "the subsequent structure". Immediacy criterion of introduction imposed by mobilisation economy of empiric, "materialist - amateur", academician Trofim Lysenko and his pseudo-innovation methods of increase of fields productivity in short terms allowed to gain "victory" over scientist -geneticist, "idealist" Nikolay Vavilov. Destruction of agrotechnologies and permanent crisis of agriculture in the USSR and new Russia was a result of it. Painfully familiar Lysenko's style is seen in pseudo innovation (fast and costless achievement of unique technical characteristics of sea rockets) of the Moscow Institute of Heat Processing Engineering which won competition connected with the project "Bulava" at the State Rocket Center named after Makeev - the developer of technological standard in this field. As well as at Lysenko, predicted ten years earlier by experts, grandiose failure of "Bulava" did not bring corrective amendments into the strategic plans of Russia. Position was aggravated by creation of conditions for "indispensability" of the Moscow Institute of Heat Processing Engineering by way of isolation of the State Rocket Center named after Makeev - the competitor in sea rocket production. Scenario of deactivation of rocket carriers' fleet of 941 project, system "Typhoons" has been already described by Daniel Granin in "Zubr" and "White Clothes". At first they stopped manufacture of the rockets R-39 (Typhoon) under the pretext of their change on R-39 Dry-Fuel Ballistic Rocket "Bark" of the State Rocket Center named after Makeev. Then, after three unsuccessful ground launches development works on "Bark" were closed, the fourth product finished taking into account remarks was disassembled and utilized, all ammunition capacity of R-39 was destroyed. It was an idea made in heaven to take unarmed ships to pieces. In April, 2007 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation the State Rocket Center named after Makeev was excluded from the list of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies. Absence of immediate prospects of the future project is badly hidden behind factitious easiness of last messages of mass-media about temporal exception of the mating system of warheads from the construction of "Bulava", being transformed into monoblock unit. Restoration of status of the State Rocket Center named after Makeev as strategic enterprise as well as recent blitz-visit of the Minister of Defence of Russia Serdjukov to Miacc speaks about reappraisal of values. Experts - missilemen familiar not by hearsay with practice of testing and explotation have from the Soviet period a habit to treat official announcements critically and to see an objective condition in the space-rocket technique and technologies in network of words. Recognition of necessity of land developmental testing at the state level means that flight development tests of "Bulava" haven't been started yet. As soon as it's impossible to estimate all parameters of the rocket at joint tests even on the biggest in the world underwater rocket carrier "Dmitry Donskoj". The more so Flight Development Tests in full volume will be necessary to repeat also at putting into operation of "Jury Dolgoruky" designed under "Bulava". It's not a secret that influence of mechanical and striking pressure on the construction and control system at distribution of steps and fighting blocks of the rocket prevents "Bulava" from getting into notorious "tube of trajectory". Because of the limited possibilities of mathematical modelling and calculation-theoretical methods estimation of the factors specified is carried out by means of natural prototyping, involvement of regular systems of distribution of missile stages in conditions of vacuum and weightlessness imitation. While innovative product is received at the airfree-dynamic stand where working capacity of systems of distribution and jettison, durability of elements of a power design of the rocket, integrity of onboard cable network and accuracy characteristics of devices of control system proves to be true. On Airfree-Dynamic Stand they define movement parameters on a flight trajectory of sharable objects, striking, low and high frequency influences on rocket elements. Return to Airfree Dynamic Stand, however, already means the beginning of working out of a new product. There's an impression that developers and not only domestic are infected by a virus of pseudo innovations on reduction, combination and withdrawal of technological standard from the most difficult researches and tests. It is proved by history that it's impossible without flight development tests to take into account all subtleties of work of the operator and functioning of technical devices in joint tests. Magnificent bouquet of refusals blossoms at exploitation when the man-machine system turns into "pig in a poke" where malfunction of technique is aggravated by people. Source of failures and accidents in reverberation - imposing and after-action of mistakes and defects of project-makers, test engineers and operators. Typical "pig in a poke" - control failure of up-to-date system independent of the pilot in planes Airbus. Today all charges against the pilots of А310 went down in flames in Irkutsk are completely removed. We will remind, after landing the crew was powerless to eliminate the failure of the control system which sent command to increase the draught of the left engine at switching on of a backspacing of the right one. System failure led to death of the plane А330 of airline Air France over Atlantic. The crew of the plane An-12 crashed last year near Chelyabinsk paid the debts of not complete tests of semicentenial remoteness. As well as at performance of principles of rocket and aerospace systems: more reliably, more cheaply, convenient in exploitation to the utmost the main error - underestimation of human factor - repeats in more difficult system - in the army. Without technological standard on systems and programs of creation of weapon concept "new shape" of armed forces of Russia loses its meaning. Pseudo innovations on reformatting of army pyramid, moving of controls and educational institutions from place to place, fantasy of projects of carrier-based armadas aggravate a vector of human factor in difficult relations at fighting work to service, constant readiness of units and divisions, at making choice and development of military trade. School teacher won war at all times. Therefore pseudo innovative five-finger exercises in education system make direct threat to the national safety of Russia. "Technology of education" was clearly showed by uniform state examination (USE) without educational standards - they were simply forgotten to be developed. As a result - next, similar to "Bulava" "pig in a poke". Followers of Trofim Lysenko from Ministry of Education and Science of Russia know about it. The law of cybernetics on a necessary variety has once again disseminated doubts in контр efficiency of "simplicity" of management of difficult systems. In conditions when decisions are made, of possible, a barrier pseudo managers, and experts and independent experts by injections of bitter experience of errors difficult in standards of the present and «the subsequent technological way» should put to innovations least expedient not. The law of cybernetics about necessary variety once again satisfy the doubts in contra efficiency of "simplicity" of management of difficult systems. In conditions when the decisions least of all expedient are being made barrier of pseudo innovations should be put not by managers, but by specialists and independent experts by way of injections of bitter experience of mistakes into the standards of the present and "subsequent technological way".
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