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20 dec 2024
The Ukrainian Minister-Self-Murderer Fired a Proof Round
Former Minister of Health of the Ukraine Nikolay Polischuk closes out such possibility that ex-minister of Internal Affairs Yury Kravchenko shot himself. N.Polishchuk who worked more than ten years as an adviser of the regional, municipal and then republican judicial-medical commissions on craniocereberal traumas, traumas of the central nervous system including gunshot wounds announced it in the interview to the newspaper "Weeks Mirror". However, the picture of death of ex-minister Kravchenko was such that one shouldnt have so many regalia to exclude the version of suicide. Only one question appears how was it possible to look out elements of suicide in that picture?
"The Bears" Make Pitfall for Themselves
Elena Loskutova
On the last days of spring session the State Duma in the urgent order has passed the laws turning not totally free elections available now into nil. Finally approved amendments to the law "About extremist activity counteraction" as well as amendments approved in the first reading to the law "About the basic guarantees of suffrages and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the
Russian Federation
" actually enable authority not to admit any candidate or a party objectionable to it to the elections. Though amendments to the law About the basic guarantees passed only in the first reading, the Duma majority in the face of Edinaya
would hardly chicken out notwithstanding negative comment of the head of CEC A.Veshnyakov.
"Masterhost" Company Stroke Opposition
Anatoly Baranov, Chief Editor of FORUM.msk, KPRF.ru
Starting from Sunday evening till Monday morning FORUM.msk, KPRF.ru, Pravda-Info and some other resourses situated on our server which is in its turn situated on the technical site of Masterhost (practically in data-center Rambler-Telecom) were beyond the reach.
Criminal Case in Which Putin Is Involved Was Regenerated
Only recently it seemed as if scandalous case of furniture smuggling in the shopping centers "Grand" and "Three Whales" was forgotten or closed. Case number 88013 has been opened by the State Customs committee of
on the 30
of October, 2001 on the fact of evasion from payment of customs payments in the large sizes by the Joint-Stock Company League Mars". Exactly in two weeks after excitation of the criminal case the State Office of Public Prosecutor with the help of Jury Birjukov requested it back. On November, 28th the State Customs Committee transferred all materials to the Office of Public Prosecutor. In two days the case was closed.
Famous Lithuanian Politician and "FORUM.msk" Continues Legal Prosecution of the Magazine "Ekstra"
Audrjus Butkyavichus
In April in accordance with legislation of
I together with my friends from FORUM.msk started the procedure of legal prosecution of magazine Ekstra and its editors Vald Vasilyauskas and Vald Kvyadaras who were involved in libel. That time following the procedure we directed to «Ekstra» the demand to refute lies published on its pages.
In The Summer of 1999 Shamil Basayev Went Into a Huddle With "Despicable Enemy"
Saidov Ruslan
On the 28
of April on a site "Chechenpress" S.Talkhigov's curious publication appeared, the publication drew my attention as the author because of unknown to me reason mentioned rather slippery and extremely disadvantageous for him theme. He made it in the way as though he had decided meaningly to provoke my response. Well, reaction followed in no time.
Pesticides in the South of Russia
S. Lukjanchikova
On the chemical warehouses of the
South Federal District
a lot of overdue and out of usage pesticides accumulated. Recently special attention in the struggle with delayed-action mines has been paid by the deputies of Legislative Assembly in
territory. Possibly because in
a way out from the crisis situation with deposits of useless pesticides was found: the scientists of the
worked out mobile device which makes it possible to utilize on the place.
What Was the Reason for CIA to Stage Terroristic Act on the 11th of September, 2001on Its Own Territory?
Surikov Anton
Question about the reasons that made CIA organize attack on towers-twins was asked to me by Oleg Grechenevsky -
liberal conspiracy theoretics - with whom I have been corresponding for some time already. To say exactly it was not a question but a statement: "Its hardly possible that CIA is engaged in the international terrorism against own country - I do not see any significant reason for it". Well, what was the real reason?
Brilliants of Ludmila Putin
Not so long ago gorgeous couple of the Putins has made a trip to the ancient city of
kings in other words - Russian Kaliningrad. Visit has been arranged accordingly - quite kingly as soon as the 750 anniversary is a suitable occasion to recollect history of that period when the city on the river Pregolja (Pregel) had the royalist name that one can have.
В начало
The Diplomat magazine exposed Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui as anti-communist swindlers
Why Russia was ahead of everyone in the fight against coronavirus
Foreign Minister`s comment on Poland and Hungary`s territorial claims
Humanitarian battalion «Ireland and England» held picket supporting Novorossia
Well, Capital Metro Started Crashing?
Poroshenko Will Re-Create Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Instead of the USSR
We Will Give Accommodation and Provide Work
It Turns out There’s Two Browsers Yandex with Two Different Positions
The USA Greets Poroshenko’s Plan to Kill All
"Poroshenko’s Peace Plan”: Disarm and Hand over
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