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12 jan 2025 |
Slave Labor Is Legalized for the First Time Since Cancellation of Serfdom in Russia!
Vlad Rukhanov
Fog covering true reasons of present splash of anti-migrant hysteria gets seemingly dissipated. It becomes clear that all this circus with camps for migrants and rigid anti-migrant statements of all main applicants for posts of regional chiefs serves as good smoke screen urged to cover fantastic preferences which are given to large capital participating in preparation for FIFA World Cup 2018 in the sphere of hiring and exploitation of foreign labor. Federal law Number 108-FZ adopted without any noise on June, 7, 2013 gives relevant companies these preferences. First of all about the price paid. Matches of FIFA-2018 will pass in Russia in 11 cities. It is necessary to build 12 stadiums, plus to reconstruct several others. Works already began. On August, 1 the prime minister of the Russian government Dmitry Medvedev signed the decree about allocation for it of nearly 3 billion rubles from the state budget to several regions. It’s only the beginning. In total it’s planned to spend 660 billion rubles (20 billion dollars at the current exchange rate) for preparation for championship. If to consider the fact that in all countries the cost of preparation for such large-scale actions usually surpasses (sometimes in times) declared one, hardly anyone will be surprised if final cost of FIFA-2018 will approach one trillion rubles. The minister of sports of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko who is quoted by mass media, declared that "the scale of preparation of cities to the championship surpasses all similar events held in Russia earlier". Really, we are talking not only about construction of 12 most up-to-date stadiums and large-scale reconstruction of several more. Considering that there will be only about one million fans the World Cup also means construction of necessary number of hotels, roads and other infrastructure. According to Mutko, 70% of the population of Russia will participate in preparation to FIFA-2018. Probably he is talking here about able-bodied population with which we have the biggest problems. For example, it was reported at the conference of Ministry of Labor in June, 2013 that in the next seven years a number of able-bodied citizens in Russia will be getting reduced not less than by one million people annually. That is in foreseeable future it will be impossible to find additional working hands in the country – we are suffering their shortage already today. Migration seems to be way out. Management of Russia, as we see, understands it. But it is a secret, big state secret. For the Russian, on the whole, xenophobic electorate - the government, sparing no efforts, struggles with damned migrants. On TV to the pleasure of this electorate they show resolute OMON fighters driving foreigners with east appearance in camps behind barbed wire. What happens in reality? Let’s read the law - 108-FZ. Point 7 of article 7 of this document says that from the date of its introduction into force (June, 2013) till December 31, 2018 foreigners who have signed contract with Organizing committee "Russia-2018" "don't need to provide copies of permission for attraction and use of foreign workers as well as work permit for such foreign citizen or such stateless person or the statement confirming acceptance of documents for registration of work permit". In translation into normal language it means the following: quotas for hundred thousands and even million new slaves aren't required as well as official work permit. In the first point 9 of the article of the law is said that Organizing committee "Russia-2018" and its affiliated organizations "doesn't need to obtain permission for attraction and use of foreign workers" for corresponding 5-year period. In case of signing of employment contracts with foreigners "for performance of work, rendering services" it is possible not “to notify territorial body... executive power carrying out law-enforcement functions, functions on control, supervision and rendering state services in the sphere of migration, public service of employment of the population and tax authorities". We translate again. Local authorities, FMS, tax, labor inspections, have rest. Those migrants who will work for WC are not in your competence, they are exclusively in competence of their employers. Actually, the same slaveholding in relation to migrants as exists now, only it becomes law. Point 8 of article 7 of this remarkable law enters simplified obtaining visas to volunteers, that is, for those who officially will work free of charge. Article 10 allows to attract volunteers and to use their work bypassing FMS, tax and labor inspection on the basis of only employment contract which they will sign with the employer. Articles about volunteers are obviously prepared here for those migrants who knows Russian badly. The task of the employer in this case is reduced only to signing with such worker the contract in which this worker will be called volunteer. When he will sign it without reading it and will demand salary in a month, his nose will be rubbed into this piece of paper - all is under the law! Article 11 allows to establish for these workers as well as for hired workers working for salary irregular working hours: "FIFA, affiliated organizations of FIFA, contractors of FIFA, confederation, national football associations, the Russian football union, Organizing committee "Russia-2018" have right to establish to the workers which labor activity is connected with realization of actions irregular working hours". That is to work for 24 hours per day including nights, without days off and holidays on the objects of the WC will be lawful business. Article 11 stipulates additionally that: "in relation to specified workers requirements of a number of articles of the Labour Code aren't applied”. Such as: article 113 of the Labor Code (prohibition of work in days off and holidays), article 152 (payment of overtime work), article 153 (compensation in days off and holidays), article 154 (compensation at night)... We should stop here to state outstanding value of this law. Slave labour is legalized for the first time since cancellation of serfdom in Russia! After all it’s not useless scrap of paper, it’s federal law adopted by the State Duma and signed by the president of the Russian Federation! The moral of this story is that chief Russian directors perfectly understand that a) Russia extremely needs migrants as a source cheap and sometimes free labor b) migrants in that quality are necessary to the large Russian and international capital, c) migrants (including internal) are used to work out those relations, first of all, in the labor sphere which will be on the quiet introduceв in relation to the Russians. Actually it’s already taking place. Читайте также:
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